Forum was down just now as well, they are probably doing some stuff to fix everything.
Locked Free Chapters
Still not working? Or its only me?
Mine still doesnt work too
For the past two days, no chapters unlocked on all the books I am reading. For a moment there, I thought something was wrong with my device. Looks like it's not just me. Hope the bug gets fixed soon.
Probably no more free chapter with ad...we need to pay
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL it's been been 24 hours since we've posted this problem, can we get a little feedback?
maybe this is not bug ?
Seems deliberate. Noooooo, back to other sites.
Hope it's a bug, because if they stop releasing the free chapters I won't come back to this site
Same thing)
Oh shit hits the fan
Free chapters still locked even today!
Anyone know what's going on?
Me wanting an answet tooo
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL can please get a reply on this issue been waiting for chapters
- Edited
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Clarkie @dapenggaofei @shllove @Joseph666 @CKtalon
Anybody? Is there any news on this whatsoever? Even a simple "we're aware of the issue?"
so by this point i think we can assume free daily unlock is no more. with the addition of the adwalls everywhere and now this we can also make the assumption they probably arent doing too well for money.
in conclusion: the site is f'd, the tl'er/ed'ers are f'd, the community is f'd. read as much of the chapters as you can and assume one day the site will shut down. :D
While reading advent of the archmage and ancient godly monarch I realized that they have been locked for the past 2 or 3 days it’s ridiculous what’s the prob here
apparently its just a bug and it isnt being fixed bcoz its the weekend, atleast according to the translator at the buttom of this link:
hopefully that is true.
mig1333 It's mostly likely not true. Considering it's been locked for around 3 days, and today's Saturday/Sunday depending on your time zone. If they don't work on weekends, they still at least had Thursday and Friday to deal with it. If it's a bug or glitch, they could have fixed it. Or just "undo the update" if it's caused by them updating the site. Unless they didn't save the programming for the previous version of the site. It's likely that they don't care or they locked it on purpose.
It's true. There were threads asking tagging Web Novels before the weekend. They had ample time to write something how they're looking into it. They answered my question asking which novels haven't unlocked their dailies, but they never responded after that.