super gene chapter 397 unlocked on thursday
and chapter 398 still locked on friday
it's not just super gene, it happens to other novels too
can anyone fix it
Locked Free Chapters
It's for all Premium novels that do their daily unlocked chapter.
is the free daily unlock removed or just didnt trigger for some reason?
admin, we need explanation
and here i thought it was just me waiting for the unlock....
do not have enough SS to read all my stories....
bug or deliberate action?
They are probably "fixing" the issues right now so even if we report there is nothing we can do about it
Forum was down just now as well, they are probably doing some stuff to fix everything.
Still not working? Or its only me?
Mine still doesnt work too
For the past two days, no chapters unlocked on all the books I am reading. For a moment there, I thought something was wrong with my device. Looks like it's not just me. Hope the bug gets fixed soon.
Probably no more free chapter with ad...we need to pay
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL it's been been 24 hours since we've posted this problem, can we get a little feedback?
maybe this is not bug ?
Seems deliberate. Noooooo, back to other sites.
Hope it's a bug, because if they stop releasing the free chapters I won't come back to this site
Same thing)
Oh shit hits the fan
Free chapters still locked even today!
Anyone know what's going on?
Me wanting an answet tooo