WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL visa for indonesia take about 2-4 weeks for regular visa, priority visa 3-5 days.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year.

      it would be an honor, as an Italian and a Roman citizen, to take a trip to China. it would be beautiful. but I need more information
      best regards
      boccardi giancarlo

        Frosch good one I thought so as well seems sooooo good to be true. I hope it's true

          This is so cool, I would also love to go!
          Damn, I'm so excited! Getting the papers from my visa is not hard at all.

            Oh I so wanna go lol but I’m 17 so still underage besides that I also have exams next year so can’t go even if I wanna D’:

              Oh I so wanna go lol but I’m 17 so still underage besides that I also have exams next year so can’t go even if I wanna D’:

                18 and above... sad days, sad days...

                  I don't understand how I can apply for this?

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