I think I get what happens here.
Vimoa8, did you use ss to skip watch ad? Unfortunately that not count as unlock chapter. It's skipping ad.
And when premium policy applied those ss that used to skip the ad will not count as unlock chapter which means you must open it again using ss
Chapters Locked Again
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Previously unlocked and read chapters have suddenly been re locked I found this out when I tried to go back and refresh my memory of what had happened so far by re-reading a few of the earlier chapters. Please look into and either refund my previous spirit stone uses on the chapters after 573 to chapter 802 so I can re-unlock the chapters, this only applies to chapters after 573 because the ones before 573 are possibly ones that I had used the skip add option on before it went premium. although this book was premium for a while and by a while i mean since march this year and just yesterday all 802 previous chapters were still unlocked I don't mind re unlocking the chapters that re-locked before chapter 573. The reason being that some of those I didn't use spirit stones on before it went premium so it is only proper that they re-lock and I would have to re-unlock them. I think this happened because after the book went premium it tried to re-lock the chapters I had not used spirit stones on but a glitch happened and it over locked some. So when I signed out and re signed in at that time the refresh undid not only the chapters that where locked because of the glitch but also the chapters that should have been re-locked. So when I refreshed the book today it re did the re-locking of the chapters but it also ended up re-locking a huge amount of the chapters that I unlocked after it went premium the book is MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian. This is what the progress bar showed before and after I refreshed the book 803/856. I know it went premium around march because it went premium before I bought my first batch of spirit stones and I bought them in march.
I had previously read and unlocked or skipped adds all the way till chapter 802 I am on 803 as shown. I have not yet unlocked chapter 803-856 this book is in my library on my account my account ID is: 3398017547. This is not the first time this book has re-locked chapters last time I did not know that it was because the book went premium. I had thought it was because I had not refresh or signed back in for a while so I signed out and sign back in and it undid the locking of the chapters it self. the previous time was probably when this book went premium and was not a error but by singing out and back in it erred and undid all of the re-locking so this time when I tried that it did not undo the re-locking of the chapters and I am fine with that. What i am not fine with is it re-locked even more chapters including chapter 800-719 that where still unlocked before I signed out and back in. I used nothing but spirit stones since chapter 573 on this book to unlock the chapters prier to chapter 573 I used a combo of skipping adds and using spirit stones then I got tired of waiting on the add. So I switched to using the spirit stones and just yesterday they where all still unlocked all the way till chapter 803 which as I already stated I have yet to unlock and this book went premium a while back I know this Because when it went premium it removed the add option the chapters that have re-locked are the following:
573-576are still unlocked
577 is re-locked
578-594 are still unlocked
595 and 596 are re-locked
597-615 are still unlocked
616 and 617 have re-locked
618-620 are still unlocked
621 is re-locked
622-638 are still unlocked
639-641 are re-locked
the previous chapters I am willing to add to the list of re unlocking with out refund or bug removal because they where the ones that I read when the add option was still available and only cost me 3-6 spirit stones each. Also not only did they cost me little but I feel I should make up for the time where the chapters that should have re-locked following the book going premium wasn't re-locked do to the glitch that occurred when I signed out and back in. The following chapters I read after the add option went away and they cost me anywhere from 8-17 spirit stones to unlock and a few even cost me 25 and 35 spirit stones. Since the add option was gone then these unlocks would have been after the book went premium.
642-646 are still unlocked
647-648 are re-locked
649-658 are still unlocked
659 re-locked
660-678 are still unlocked
679 re-locked
680-690 are still unlocked
691-702 are re-locked
703-704 are still unlocked
705-719 have re-locked
720-723 are still unlocked
724-736 are re-locked
737-756 are still unlocked
757-764 are re-locked
765 and 766 are still unlocked
767-802 are re-locked
What if I unlocked chapters using spirit stones and have not watched ads on that book at all yet I still have to unlock chapters when I go back?
This is what happened to me with CCG, chapters 400+ was blocket and i know i unlocked it with ss, not skip ad, and in history this written - Unlocked ( Cultivation Chat Group ) -10 Web 2018-04-25 09:55 -. Who i need to write with this?
HAHA! same thing happening to me with The Strongest System! an I unlocked em using SS! and Evil Emperor's @Wild Consort too! I unlocked it with SS but now from 1k+ unlocked now only 800! still had my comments on those chaps but now locked! It seems QI want us to keep filling in SS! damn they really want to lock em all and let us pay SS again!
vimoua8 it happen in venerated venemous consort there are more than 200 chapter that already unlocked but now i check it again and these chapter locked again. It make me sad so i think i will delete that stroy
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vimoua8 i have the same problem. It would be fine if this happens on locked chapters since you can just watch an ad to unlock it again. However my case was on a premium novel. Please address this issue. LoHP is still waiting for me. . LoHP was locked again from ch 655-755.
I have the same problem in the novels that I read, I alredy pay as for the chapters. Does anyone knows how to solve this issue?
so this problem occur on pc site as well not only in ios and android...you sure know how to make money @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL ...this a daylight robbery...why dont you just rob a bank...
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If they keep this up then the only way I can see them learning to not do this is a few choices choice 1. the readers endure not being able to read the books for however long it takes and boy cot till they change. Which is highly unlikely unless all of the international readers boy cot forcing them to change there international policies since there national polices are already pretty much secured and there now trying to branch out internationally.
- choice enough international readers who have this happen go through all the red tape, time, hassle and money required to sue them before the site puts up site regulations that allow them to do this.
As you can see as long as they don't have a strong international web novel rival where readers can go to read these novels that can also branch into there national reader foundation and there by get the authors to switch away further affecting there foundation. The most that can be done is choose to read different books elsewhere and there for stop there international branch out till they figure that they would rather be able to branch out internationally then make as much money as they can. We can also choose to read these book but pay ridiculous money multiple times or gather enough people who are willing to go through the hassle of international law to make them change there international polices so we can read them at reasonable results of course these are the legal choices at this time.
I don't condone illegal choices myself because of the indirect collateral damage and direct damage it causes to reasonable and honest business folk and there livelihood. Although history has show that unfortunately enough and somewhat ironically that if enough people do illegal but not very damaging acts long enough and effects mostly corrupt or unscrupulous people then the government makes new regulations that are most of the time but not always a compromise acceptable to both parties. Historical examples of this can be found with the revolutionary war between America and great Brittan. From a non biased point of view America at that time probably felt great Brittan was being unfair and unscrupulous, while from a non bias view point great Brittan probably thought and felt what they were doing was within there royal rights since they set up the settlements.
Now from that same non bias view point when America decided to go for independence from great Brittan they probably felt it was within there human rights to have a share in the governing decisions of the settlements or be independent from Brittan since the policy makers in Brittan didn't have a good grasp of what the settlers had to deal with. From the non bias view point the leaders of Brittan at the time probably felt that since they had more experience ruling then the leaders of the settlers and the settlers where mostly common folk. That the pressure of leading was either getting to the settlement leaders or the settlement leaders where drowning in the power of being in charge and therefor where misrepresenting the difficulty that the taxes where causing since the taxes where not causing such issues elsewhere at the time.
With these things occurring from a non bias point of view America probably felt that they had no choices but to seek independence from great Brittan if things continued as they where and therefor took action to first protest there unfair treatment from there point of view which lead to the Boston tea harbor incident. From a non bias view point Brittan probably felt and saw this protest as a unwarranted rebellion and provocation by power hungry settlement leaders who broke the law hence they sent in the military to squash the power hungry rebellion leaders and restore order to there settlements.
Now from a non bias view point the Americans of the time probably felt that Brittan sending out there military as not only a rejection of there protest and plead for fair and just treatment similar to the common folk of great Brittan but also as proof of there power hungry tyranny and unfair treatment of the common folk of the settlements that gave them no other option then to go for independence and defend themselves. At this point the rest is shown in the history books the out come was bloody for both and eventually America became Independent yet they continued to trade and now both America and Great Brittan have rather friendly connections with each other.
I have the same problem with the novel full marks hidden marriage! I unlocked the chapters from 1085 to around 1200 and so on but it got locked up again!!! This is the second time ! I used ss to unlock those chapters and only had a few mores to unlock but now it all went to waste I wrote to report about it 4 times but nothing has been done! The first time it happened I got all the unlocked chapters back but now
itβs just too much
please give me back my chapters! I love this novel and kept on reading the unlocked chapters again and again
I have chapters locked again for Super Gene myself. It's funny though. I found they are locked again when I try to read on my phone, however still unlocked on my tablet that I used to use a lot more. It's the same account but maybe it's only unlocking it for the device for some ridiculous reason?
Super gene and monster paradise chapters are locked again. Im so sick of it...