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But the thing is, erotica should not be in a section where a lot of kids will easily view. There's an erotica is on like the top 20.
But the thing is, erotica should not be in a section where a lot of kids will easily view. There's an erotica is on like the top 20.
I'm pretty sure this is not a kids site.
The majority of novels here including killing and other things..
In American culture violence, murder, and massacre are PG-13. Sex and using the F-word more than once are rated R. Our clearly superior moral system demands erotica be a separate genre! Just kidding, lol.
You're right, this isn't a kids site. However, I imagine most readers are between age 13 and 25. I have no data to back that up though. Just my personal guess.
I think fanfic and original should definitely be separated. I'm glad Webnovel confirmed they're doing that. Erotica is debatable and I can see both sides of the argument. I'm fine with either way it goes.
Kids is a pretty general term. Usually means children, but can also mean teens, whatnot. Anyways, let's not get into the specifics, but what he said
SnoozySloth aren't teenager in America already have sex in their age? Especially if they in high school?
Is that rate still effective to applied ?
People can start having sex when they are 12, WITH CONSENT, in America.
Misguided_Rooster so, in other words, erotica is not something should restricted for them right?
Why should limit for 18 while they already experience that on 12?
Although yes, for certain erotica which involves rape or weird fetish still unsuitable for them
I don't know.. Something about mental issues? I don't really pay attention to that.
Although, I've read somewhere that watching 'erotic' things is healthy... didn't really care to read on(Or did I? c;)
Also, not everyone has sex young.
Misguided_Rooster let's say that another ambiguity we always see in this world
Like people who say let make this world a peaceful one but often quarrel with the neighbors
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Are you really going to shun FanFics because a few people complain? That sounds like a terrible idea, the original poster obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. If he's not looking for original novels he can switch the search to translated only, if he's looking at original section by popular fanfics are near the top for a reason.
Don't alienate a big part of your audience for the few whiners in a forum when tens of thousands of people enjoy them. Or is it because you can't make money from fanfics you don't care about them?
AuHNG I have smut in mine and I say Parents Strongly Cautioned because I feel sex is ok to read about for a young child. It is a part of life, but parents need to be responsible and talk about it with their children. I do also state why Parents are Strongly Cautioned. I don't want them thinking it is just language.
Myumara why not see from different view?
Isn't this a recognition that fanfic is great enough to have it's own place?
This also will separate those who dislike fanfic and those who love it.
Aren't you experienced bad comments or reviews from reader, if there's still bad comments appear, you can just say ,'dude, you read in the wrong section'
That's not true. The age of consent for America is 18. Do you even live in America?
Knowing about how sex works is okay for a child. Smut, on the other hand, has to do with sexual pleasure, which is extremely unnecessary for children.
Also, nobody reads the warning signs. how many times do you think children actually go out of their way to ask their parents when it reads "parent advisory"?
AuHNG i think he means the philippines
He did say America.
Also, having sex at twelve is disgusting. Some people haven't even gone through puberty at that age. Just will allow pedophiles to get what they want.
AuHNG I dunno, I used to read my mom's romance novels for fun when I was in elementary school.
AuHNG he meant between peers. Not between adult and teenager.
Aren't teenager eagerly discover something new at that age?
And the consent he means maybe as ,"both party agree to do it"
Finally, most people know that sex is procreation and how to do it. I doubt, however, that most people actually know the biology behind it. You should not be teaching the pleasures of sex, but rather the biology behind sex to a child.
Most often, those who know about ####s and vags and what not don't actually know some of the basic biology behind them. Such as, but not limited to, you do not pee out of your vag, virgins can have broken hymens, and hymens aren't always broken during ### semen is not the same as sperm, and they probably won't be able to identify most parts of the reproductive organs.
So, unless you're teaching them about that, it's best to leave the educating to your health teachers, and not take the education into your own hands.