
Yeah, but like I'm saying. Most people only know that man's organ- ejaculate- sperm (which btw, a man ejaculates semen, not only sperm, but most seem to think that they are interchangeable)- into vag-> pregnant.

But if I asked any random adult to explain where the sperm goes, they would not know.


    People before puberty aren't young adults. I'm perfectly fine with those who are going through puberty, learning about it. I think it is also important for children to know what sexual assault is. Other than that, I hope that it isn't only the media that influences childrens views, but that they also learn about basic biology.

      Back in middle school, a lot of people knew about sex, but they didn't really know about sex. It's important to not just learn from the media and smut, but actually learn from educational resources.

      If you didn't understand what I'm trying to say, basically tldr;

      Children should not be learning about sex from smut, but from education/resources that will actually explain it properly.

      Children like to talk a lot. If you teach one child about sex, it might spread around the entire school, along with any misconceptions the child who spread it might have. Education is important, but often people are miseducated. Also, most parents don't want their children to be exposed to sex at a young age, so its best to respect other people's decisions.

        Myumara Why? It will give the books that have no content directly from other sources, and books that do, higher rankings on their respective boards rather than it all being on one board... Now what I'd really like, is if you could see where you were on the board that your novel is listed on, then there was also another ranking board that compared all novels (original. fanfic, and translated (i listed in order of my preferences)) so you could see where you rank on the sight as a whole (this is not saying I want them to consolidate all of the sections back together, just make it to where you can see where the powerstone ranking would be if there were no separations).;,;.


        Separating the rankings are perfectly fine. For ex, if the best romance book and best fantasy book were to be pitted against each other, whichever book is "better" is subjective.

          Myumara did they clearly stated there will be separated rank?
          Well, I agree with that coz fanfic build on already established reader, easier getting reader. Compared with original which start from scratch that whole different. So, for fairness, I agree on rank separation

            AuHNG so true... now I will likely teach my children the truth behind it from a young age, but I will do it in a way that they can understand at whatever age they are... meaning that I won't explain things that are to complex for them to understand until they are at an age whereas they can understand it... now would I teach other's children the same... nope... I'd simply say "ask your parents" to any question regarding that topic they ask me (i would replace the word parents accordingly if I knew they had none).

            For the sake of discussion, can we clear about something first?
            We talk about teenager now it come to children 😅
            So, which age belong to children, teenager, and adult?

              Myumara you write story with naruto as MC. Most people already know who he is, what he can do. He a ninja, can use ksgebunshin, have nine tail fox beast.
              I make story with Simon as the MC. Did people know who Simon is? What he can do? What is special about him? Do you know?
              They must read first to know who he is, that different with naruto coz people already have an image in their mind who he is
              They can directly give you power stone from beginning if they like naruto, different with Simon, they need time before they like it

                Myumara your logic also flawed because you only see in ten, you not see in hundred, in two hundred 😂😂

                  SweetsTomato I can tell you haven't read even a little of my novel. Not only is Naruto not even in my story yet, not even a single MAIN character has made an appearance. In the 76 chapters I've written maybe 4-5 even take place in Konoha. Of the 3-4 NAMED characters I used they were such side characters people had to look them up.

                  You tell me how much content I had to create to get to chapter 76 then. The fact people like my story and not a single Fan-favorite character have even appeared till chapter 72 (Itachi) it insults me when people say I'm just using something else. If that's the case every novel with cultivation copies each other.

                    The federal law establishes the age of 12 as the minimum age of consent, while the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activities is 18 (sex with someone 12-18 is not illegal per se, but can still be open to prosecution under certain circumstances).

                      SweetsTomato Oh, when your novel is ranked #6 you don't have to scroll that low so I'm not sure. But its definitely less than novels that have nothing to do with Naruto.

                        Myumara yes, I'm not read yours because I'm not naruto fan, just know naruto.
                        If you borrow, even only a dime, it's still called borrowing, right?
                        Even you not write the whole main character, you still use something from naruto story right?
                        That enough to including your story into naruto fan fiction 😁😁

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