Really! This novel is so danm good I'm in the 200 chapters and I can say that you will not be disappointed of this novel. In the first hundred chapters it look like slice of life ,but later it' ll be really different , I promise you.
Dragon King's son in law
I like it also I'm cought up to the latest chapter.. but once it goes premium how much do you spend before you give up. As a bad return for your money.
[unknown] Can you say who has a good chance to be in the harem?
no harem
alextorres17 didn't the translator say that is a harem?
Knight7 1 no 2 yes
alextorres17 pity grow bored of tsunderes
alextorres17 Did she grew up in the novel or did she remain a loli the entire novel
5 days later
a month later
kazuki23 he marries 1 in the dragon palace then 1 month later marries another one in the human world
Knight7 at the end, there is a time skip of a few years