I know you guys are more of asking for bugs, but I'm just gonna write out my experience using it. Lol.
(Uhh... It's kinda lengthy but this was my experience while using it.)
For the introduction page which allows you to select base on gender and "get started". I'm guessing it appears only for new users since I didn't see it appearing when am logged in.
So far when I tried to use it, the function is relatively easy to understand and anyone can get the hang of it within seconds.
Like the novel versions, it stops at the page where you are at and "bookmarks" it so you can continue where you left off.
In the navigation / main section (okay tbh, I have no idea what is it called xD) of the app, it also shows featured comics.
Unlike the novels, the description page for the comics offers both the synopsis and allows you to read the sample before deciding whether you want to add it to your library. Quite convenient! Since you can directly try it out yourself instead of finding reviews for it.
The content page allows you to jump from one chapter to another. Like, if you jump from chapter one to two, it will start at the top of the chapter.
As for the designing, I suppose the gist of it is to just continue endless scrolling and not have a break in between like the novels do. So due to that, it's kind of confusing as to know which chapter you are really at. Especially, if you tried to jump to next chapters using the content page.
Just like the "next chapter" button in the description sample!
So having a break in between feels better instead of endless scrolling. Plus it kinda felt a bit weird when it just straight out goes to the next chapter. (Some people might find it okay, though.)
- There are some programming codes such as "&quot" appearing when viewing the description for CCG comic. Same with Sweetheart V5.
It seems to cause some problems for me when I tried to read the novels. The book would load and freeze the app. And while it finally loads, I tried accessing the toolbar only for the app to freeze again. Followed by the novel exiting out by itself and the app sometimes also close by itself.
For no reason at all, the app would freeze then closes by itself whenever I try to read anything...
When I tried to jump the chapter, it doesn't jump to the exact page where the next chapter starts. Instead, it jumps to a few pages back before the chapter.
(If it doesn't happen when you test it, then try to scroll somewhere in the middle of the chapter, then jump to another chapter using the content page in the toolbar.)
The content page also kinds of freeze the app and takes a few seconds to load when I tried to access it using the toolbar. (This kind of happened quite often for me.)
Not really a feedback about the comics update. But, it would be useful if there's a more proper and easier filtering.
Like filter or having different sections in the library which separates the comic and novels. Along with, last update, last read or by title.
Different ways of reading the comic. Like Horizontal or Vertical way. Horizontal allows user to swipe left and right to next or previous page. While Vertical is the scrolling method.
A comment section would be nice too to be included in the comics! (It just feels empty without it in the toolbar Q.Q)
Would you guys add power ranking system for the comics too?
So cool and nice to see you adding dates in the content toolbar for readers to see when were the chapters uploaded for the novels. XD