Just create a thread to discuss your novel. You are already in the forum anyway.
Please remove some of the daily exp methods
carnwennan I'm talking about people that literally post "exp" and then reply to themselves posting "exp" as well. That's not good manners. That's spamming for exp. Not sure why your answer is "just give up on discussing a chapter in the chapter's comments" to that kind of spam.
MichaelChandra You (mistakenly) used "thx"instead of "exp" before... You might not be aware but "thx" is the abbreviation of "thanks" usually used in internet forums. Thus I thought you complained about the sheer number of thanking comments that take space in the comment section.
Also, using forums for novel discussion is not anything new and is much better to read a large post in a forum than it is in QI comment section. But you don't need to give up anything, I just gave you a option other than waiting for the eradication of spam in comment sections.
carnwennan I suggest 2 things to you.
Read what I said in my first post. I did not mistake anything. When people post thx then immediately reply to themselves and post thx again, it's still spam.
I request to remove the incentive to spam. I did not ask for a workaround. You might be surprised to learn this is about the principle of the matter and not about seeking an obvious workaround nobody needed mentioning because everybody knows already. Please try to stay on topic if you can. Also, the comment system serves a purpose a novel discussion topic cannot offer, but surely you already understand that?
Morinu However you now have to scroll more and the spam is constantly inbetween other comments. Plus the first spam really increased.
carnwennan EXACTLY.
uhhh. I just feel so annoyed about people complaining about the whole
"Thanks for the chapter~" thing. Like it's new. = _ =
And the whole discussion about how if your comment doesn't help fuel the discussion about the novel then it's not worth it thing...
I hate when people are like... judging people, cause what can actually seriously be described as not being worth it. Each person commenting whether it's something stupid or meaningful, it's a person that is enjoying the book and they're meaningful in that way. Yes, I think it's stupid to spam exp, exp, exp,exp, exp but to be honest, I think I only saw that once and that was like the first time people thought of the stupid joke of just saying exp instead of actually commenting and at first, it was just funny for me. It's like how the comments in the Youtube comment section, can also be just pure trash... Just people putting stupid little characters of rabbits giving people cake, no my cake, ok have the cake, no more, ok fine here... (It's stupidly cute.) but i'm just a positive thinker, excuse me
after looking at YT's comment section, I realize they have dislike buttons...
that moment when you realize that you never knew because you never commented in the first place, ever
or cared what other people commented, ever...
I guess that explains my view on comments tbh. whether they exist or not... not a care
/wonders what I'm doing here in a detailed discussion about something I have no care about tbh/
welp. back to book. i apologize and repent for my rant but hope someone got SOMETHING out of it
I would rather they remove the exp for commenting so that the people who are truly grateful will comment thx as well as people who want to discuss the chapter. I have no problem with thx but with spam, as it is simply disrespectful to both the translators and the genuine commenters.
I would also like a dislike button so I can show that I read their comment and disagreed.
MichaelChandra LOL...
1. "There are a lot of people spamming comments and replying to themselves and others with messages such as "exp", which really rather ruins the whole comment system." (1st Post)
"As a result, there's several people making empty comments such as "thx" and replying to themselves or others with random empty comments as well." (2nd Post)
"I'm talking about people that literally post "exp" and then reply to themselves posting "exp" as well." (3rd Post)
"Read what I said in my first post. I did not mistake anything." -> Yes you did or you have trouble deciding if giving thanks (or saying "thx") is or is not a spam.
2. "I request to remove the incentive to spam. I did not ask for a workaround." -> And yet I gave you a workaround. Sometimes people are given things that they didn't ask for. That's life. Deal with it.
"Please try to stay on topic if you can." -> You really have spam issues... I am not gaining any exp by talking to you and yet this thread is going off topic. However, is it really going off topic? I gave you a suggestion directly related to what you are complaining in the thread.
"Also, the comment system serves a purpose a novel discussion topic cannot offer, but surely you already understand that?" -> What purpose? Discussing about the last chapter, also known as Last Chapter Discussion? That's something you can find in a forum thread too. In my view the great unique purpose of the comment system is to say thanks for the hard work of the translators and to show the world you were the First!, Second!, Third!, etc. Everything else can be done in a forum thread.
Since you are against using a tool that already exist like this forum, I will give you another suggestion. You asked for it? No. But I will give it anyway because I think it is relevant to this subject.
Instead of getting rid of the current "exp" comment system, which endangers the entire leveling system, the comments could be sorted by relevance (number of likes). This way you can simply read the first comments if you are too lazy. If you are feeling really bold and adventurous you can scroll down and search for hidden treasures amid the spam comments (because they are new and still don't have a single like).
Lol.. I thought it was a 1 time thing per day!!..
That's not only the case on Qidian though, its with all webnovel websites.
If you want real comments, you should go to a 'newest chapter discussion' thread on the forums I guess.
MichaelChandra will not do again
Are you new to the light novel world? Have you never seen any other site or what?
The comment is just for commenting for fuck sake. Every people is allowed to do what they want, and speak their mind, and it is also your right to not listen to their nonsense.
If you want to discuss, make a discuss thread on novelupdate. discussing a chapter on the top 20 power ranking is basically shouting in a room full of people screaming at each other.