How is that even different from yours? Why would you even have a link when it isn’t for advertisement? I’m just purely putting there for you to see that I really didn’t have a synopsis if I want to advertise do you think I would be here?
New Author who need some pointers.
Thanks for the suggestion I really should check “grammarly or Hemingway editor.” Just to see what it’s capable off.
JVenior I’m only putting it there for him to see that I really didn’t have a synopsis, and if I really do want to advertise why would I even be on this thread. I might as well go to the “suggestion thread” you know. I’m merely a starter who wants to improve so that why I’m on this thread. Thanks for suggestion I’ll check them out.
Mr_Handsome lol wrong person
JVenior they’re awesome I didn’t know which is best to use you really made my day
Guessing English is your 2nd language? Advice:
1. Don't use the dynamic link. Use the usual link.
2. Use this book as a learning opportunity to improve your English while having a good time. Hopefully you can find an editor or fan who helps you improve each chapter as you learn more about the complicated mess that is the English language.
3. Publish new chapters at 12:00AM Beijing time. That's when power stones reset and your likelihood of receiving votes will increase.
Here's what your synopsis would look like with most spelling mistakes fixed:
Synopsis: Albert Hawk never thought that one day, the faction he created would turn into his biggest enemy! Everyone always said, the strongest would rule the world, but this quote wasn't always true! He was the strongest in the continent, everyone was afraid of him, and anyone who disobeyed him would die. However, everyone who was forced to submit to him hated him to the core!
They started to make a plan to betray Albert. They made a grand scale ambush and injured Albert until he had little hope to survive!
Suddenly, a beautiful woman came and tried to save him. Albert and this woman were just acquaintances. They were never close to each other nor did they have an intimate relationship. So, Albert wondered, why would she help him?
Mr_Handsome lol, I just followed the guide from book of author they said: you need to write something boom, so the readers would be interested. About the details, do it later! It's not like you must put the details in the first chapter. That what I do to my synopsis
JVenior oh? I don't know about grammy or other programs for grammer. About you help me mean ... Like an editor?
Kalau nulis di Android -- If you write in Android
SnoozySloth thank you
Yes, english is my second language. I didn't use any programs to help my grammars, so it took lot of times for me to edit it
MasterRabbink nope. Using computer, then publish as a writer, I already wrote few story using mother language hehehe but in English ... It's the first time
@MasterRabbink master bunny, any recomended program for computer?
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Ventus_Hikari That is for computer. Try to install some plugin on Chrome if you don't want to install anything on computer.
There is Ginger too. But Grammarly is bare minimum. You have to check them one by one tho.
I use several others website, HOWEVER this might change your writing style. So I don't suggest it. Even translation also don't mark to good on this. This next will make your novel more into MACHINE since they would make it better based on algorithm. You will lost rhythm and flow, etc. Warning: Use it at your risk.
- After the Deadline -> To check whether you use the same name for side characters. For example my character Rabbink and Rabink. Rarely found wrong. I don't like its suggestion style. (I don't save my dictionary in Grammarly, if you do, this will be useless.)
- Slickwrite -> To check whether I repeat too many words around the same paragraph. Sigh... Too many error. Confused to check one. Sometimes, red is necessity.
- Grammark -> To reduce This is, I am, That is and useless word adding text. However,... Sigh... This made part of the story becoming too long and stressed me.
- Hemmingway Editor -> SIGH! This is probably my doom. This make your novel easier to read for 'young people'. Most Webnovel reader are teenager above. However, this made me cut my sentences into shorter and shorter. Making the text not nicely flow. This made your novel easier to read for younger people. Grade means the grade school.
Using Ginger and Grammarly should be enough. There are more machine correction software, but those two is the king.
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Because you are starting as a novelist in Webnovel (QI), then I will wrote here what kind of contract that you will get if you try to go professional with them.
Contract :
First 200k words are free
When you sign, they have the licensing rights to your novel so they can sell it anywhere.
If you earn under $200, they do not have to pay you.
If you earn over $200, they can delay any payment for up to 3 months.
While under contract, if they ask you to do a book signing in China/Ph etc, then you must attend at your own expense.
While contracted, they can tell you "suggestions" on how to make your story better for the readers (They tell you what to write).
While contracted, they can hire someone else to write instead of you.
If you can not comply with their "suggestions" they have the right to terminate your contract.
If terminated, you must pay back ALL the money you've earned while under contract + any damage they foresee to charge you with.
If terminated, they will try to get the copyright of your novel so they can sell it anywhere with 100% profit.
All sales/ss/ad revenue will be split 50/50 with you and Webnovel.
They have other charges too, so you'll really end up with about 30% of the profit, then if you've got editor/artist that you've got to pay, will become much less.
All ss revenue will be for paying ss only, any free will not generate any money for you.
This works in China!
MasterRabbink ugh, everything in online, huh? My internet is in damn worse period right now. Sigh ...
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hoayuko hm? I have read this before, but was this is really the real term of contract? I read several post about the contract.
The author of last wish system said it wasn't true the expend to china must be payed with your own wallet, and the suggestion, you didn't need to follow it if you don't want.
I may a new author in WN, but I also some old reader who love checking post on forum well, not all post in the forum i checked.
Ventus_Hikari According to the source, it is the current term. The author wrote it 3 days ago, unless since then it already got changed. I'm not a writer, so probably wont ever know the contract, but this what written there.
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To really correct things:
If you earn under $200, they will accumulate it up and pay it to you at a later month (say $150 in September, and $100 October, you will get $250 in November)
If you earn over $200, they can delay any payment for up to 3 months, but they don't do that in practice. The 3 months are there for any unforeseen circumstances due to accounting issues.
If you are famous enough to even warrant a book signing, they will pay for it. If not, why would they even organize something and ask you to pay for it? They aren't a travel agent.
If you are doing well, why would they go to the trouble hiring someone else to write for you? This clause is there for in the event that your book is really popular, and for some reason you die or get debilitated, they can still hire someone to continue your work.
8,9. These terms are in the Chinese contract, and for 16 years, have never been used. Look at all the books that have been dropped by the Chinese authors.
The copyright is already theirs. And if it sucks, no one will buy it anyway. If it's good, Webnovel will treat you like a king. Stop having dreams of grandeur before you even make it.
Obviously, only paid SS counts. Why would free SS be worth anything? Just create infinite accounts and farm free SS to make a billion dollars?
Precisely, and for 16 years, with several millionaires created a year. None of them have been screwed over by China Literature.
CKtalon nice. Thanks for the confirmation.
@CKtalon I think you guys need to make a post about the general term of contract for original author. Some people love to talk nonsense, as if they're staff who worked in WN. It better to clear the misunderstanding rather than make some clueless people believe those nonsense.
Well, this is just a suggestion.