MasterRabbink ugh, everything in online, huh? My internet is in damn worse period right now. Sigh ...
New Author who need some pointers.
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hoayuko hm? I have read this before, but was this is really the real term of contract? I read several post about the contract.
The author of last wish system said it wasn't true the expend to china must be payed with your own wallet, and the suggestion, you didn't need to follow it if you don't want.
I may a new author in WN, but I also some old reader who love checking post on forum well, not all post in the forum i checked.
Ventus_Hikari According to the source, it is the current term. The author wrote it 3 days ago, unless since then it already got changed. I'm not a writer, so probably wont ever know the contract, but this what written there.
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To really correct things:
If you earn under $200, they will accumulate it up and pay it to you at a later month (say $150 in September, and $100 October, you will get $250 in November)
If you earn over $200, they can delay any payment for up to 3 months, but they don't do that in practice. The 3 months are there for any unforeseen circumstances due to accounting issues.
If you are famous enough to even warrant a book signing, they will pay for it. If not, why would they even organize something and ask you to pay for it? They aren't a travel agent.
If you are doing well, why would they go to the trouble hiring someone else to write for you? This clause is there for in the event that your book is really popular, and for some reason you die or get debilitated, they can still hire someone to continue your work.
8,9. These terms are in the Chinese contract, and for 16 years, have never been used. Look at all the books that have been dropped by the Chinese authors.
The copyright is already theirs. And if it sucks, no one will buy it anyway. If it's good, Webnovel will treat you like a king. Stop having dreams of grandeur before you even make it.
Obviously, only paid SS counts. Why would free SS be worth anything? Just create infinite accounts and farm free SS to make a billion dollars?
Precisely, and for 16 years, with several millionaires created a year. None of them have been screwed over by China Literature.
CKtalon nice. Thanks for the confirmation.
@CKtalon I think you guys need to make a post about the general term of contract for original author. Some people love to talk nonsense, as if they're staff who worked in WN. It better to clear the misunderstanding rather than make some clueless people believe those nonsense.
Well, this is just a suggestion.
Mr_Handsome Well.. Title, cover, and synopsis is 3 most important things beside the story that will attract viewers
NeoBee I should of put this attractive face of mine for the cover, right why didn’t I think of that. :) Honestly I couldn’t find a cover that would match my novel so I just drop it as a blank cover sigh... as for synopsis ah.. well you already know.
Mr_Handsome well, you can see all kind of synopsis in novel update. It's interesting and may help you how to write a good synopsis. Just like chapter in each novel, make your synopsis cliffhanger so the readers will become curious and then read your novel.
Ventus_Hikari Well before starting a novel I have never thought the difficulties of it until I tried it myself. I think it is a good learning a experience don’t you think so?
Looking at your synopsis I'd just say to be mindful about how many exclamation marks you use. There's so many that I feel quite overwhelmed. Personally I wouldn't recommend using them in narration at all, just in dialogue that require that extra something.
I'm going to try and give you some constructive criticism for the first chapter. Also, I’m by no means a good writer, nor do I claim to be, but yeah.
First of all, try not to repeat words too closely together.
Example: “Sound of weapon clashing resound from a forest called Misty Rain Forest.“
Forest called Misty Rain Forest is just awkward to read. If you want to keep it somewhat the same, you can try to restructure the sentence. You could also just cut out most of it so it read “Sound of weapon clashing resound from the Misty Rain Forest.“
There’s no need to tell us that the Misty Rain Forest is a forest. This way the sentence flows a lot better. Try to keep it in mind when you’re writing and you’ll probably notice a lot of places that could be changed. You may feel like pulling your hairs out at times while trying to figure out how to change sentences. Do it anyway, you’ll be a better writer for it.
Second of all, it may have been said, but I really have to mention the grammar. Unfortunately there are a lot of mistakes.
Also try to work more body language into your narration. Frowns, smiles, wide eyes, shaking, nose flares, etc etc.
Finally I actually have to commend you on managing to start most of your sentences variedly. You didn’t have too many repeats of he, his or the in a row.
But yeah, the grammar is always going to be holding you back.
hoayuko Man I am all for freedome of information but you are just being a troll. This author isnt going professional. At most you should offer some advice on the terms and conditions of posting a novel here, this thread HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with going on contract because YOU DONT HAVE TO.
You're just being a troll with this copy-paste bullshit on every thread. While the terms arent great, no one has to accept them, but that is an argument for another thread. STOP trolling.
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My advice is.
Just write.
Use Snoozy's advice regarding aids for grammar and spelling. Also use
Listen, learn, dont be disheartened.
My First 200,000 words were poor. My second 200,000 words were a lot better. I am up to a million words now and some ppl think I am ok.
Like any skill you master with practice. Its usually 10,000 hours to master a skill.
Mr_Handsome yup, especially if english was a secondary language so many trial and error
Zephy oh thank you it's really help me!
Skully_ yes, thank you for your advice I still need to work hard to clean some of my mistakes grammar lol.
Ventus_Hikari Being a third party I am able to see more, even I would go back to my previous chapter. Rereleasing them and found that I displaced some words that are not even suppose to be there.
Reread how it turned into releasing I don’t know
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I'm not sure how many editors you can find around Webnovel who would work for free or even an amateur for that matter. You should look into those proof-reading programs that I mentioned before, Grammarly is only one of them. Don't just obey everything Grammarly tells you to do, but use it as a means to better yourself by manually checking each correction. Sometimes even a robot can make mistakes, so that's why it's better to manually handle it.
I'm not available nor am I looking to be an editor, BUT I did rewrite your synopsis that you linked in this thread. I hope you not only enjoy it, but I also hope you learn from it. I'm not a professional by any means, but I'm a native English-speaker and writer, and I've taken both writing and fantasy writing courses for college, and even some extra-credit High School classes.
This was your original synopsis. It was decent, but it told more than it showed. You know the saying, "show, don't tell".
*Albert Hawk never thought that one day, the faction he created would turn into his biggest enemy! Everyone always said, the strongest would rule the world, but this quote wasn't always true! He was the strongest in the continent, everyone afraid to him, and anyone who disobey him will die. But! Everyone who forced to submitted to him hate him to the core.
Then, they start to make a plan to betrayed Albert. They make a grand scale ambush and success to injured Albert till he didn't have much hope to survive!
Suddenly, a beautiful woman come and tried to save him. Albert and this woman just an acquaintance. They never close to each other or have any intimate relationship. So, Albert wondering, why would she helped him?*
I'll be honest. It's not horrible, but it's very rough. You can tell the writer wasn't natively English, as it comes across through the short story you wrote. A synopsis, in my mind, is a question you ask the reader to hook them in. It's conflict, just enough to show how your world functions and what problems your protagonist faces, while not giving away too much of the essential plot.
Now, I'll post my synopsis. It's not perfect, it's really not... but it should be useful to learn from.
*Albert Hawk towered over countless denizens as he vied for power, his grand plan was the formation of a single empire, and through many countless years of bloodshed and tears, he had finally done it—the birth of a nation.
It was common knowledge throughout the world that the strong would always hold dominion over the weak, nothing could break such a rule. However, what would happen when the mighty fell into nothingness? Betrayed by the very forces he once built, Albert had to accept the challenge head on or face annihilation.
He had faced many dangers before, from the horrible plots of a sinister shroud of traitors to the machinations of evil moving against him. For countless years Albert held control, forcing the darkness into hiding. This, however, had only grown their fury, creating a desire for destruction all the greater.
In a moment of weakness, he was struck down by those around him, betrayed by forces within his own empire. A grand ambush, one that would leave nothing but ash and fire in its wake.
Those who hid within the shadows had delivered a crippling blow to Albert, forcing him into hiding so as to regain his strength. This, of course, had left his empire open and defenseless, which only incentivized those demons all the more.
Faced with a horrible affliction, Albert hid, believing no one could possibly find him. That was, until a mysterious woman draped in a pure-white gown appeared before him, her face unknown and curious. She came to him in his hour of need, offering to provide him with a means to retake his empire.
But at what cost?*
It tells the same story that yours does, but it does it differently. It's a bit longer, but even that could be cut down to save some words. I only made it that long because I was trying to stay as true to your image as I could.
Not only does my synopsis show more than it tells, but it also provides a question for the readers. They're introduced to the world, they know about the general conflict which our main character faces, and they even know about the sinister plot to overthrow Albert. Once that is all said and done, they meet the mysterious and aloof woman who is draped in a snow-white dazzled cloak. This, of course, was my own creative spin so as to provide an image that the readers could see.
When you introduced the woman, you mentioned two or three times that they were unfamiliar with one another, and that isn't necessary. Say it once, and move on.
My synopsis isn't perfect, in fact, it's far from it. It will, however, read better for an English audience, and it feels more Western in style.
You can use this synopsis, but please—please, learn something from it! Also, I'd appreciate a mention of my name, but ONLY if you use mine. Otherwise, you're good.
JVenior thank you
And sorry I just replied now.