Klepar Also in another thread where this was discussed, I had noted that- wait sorry I lost my train of thoughts.
By the way, the other thread discussed that there should be a dislike function and that each dislike should remove one exp, and thus one like would equal one exp. Making others more likely to want to put up meaningful comments. But there are issues in this as some people find some comments meaningful and others think of them as useless....
but I'll just ask questions on what your thread is talking about -
Anyways, in what way would dislikes be filtering? Would it show comments with likes first, like a top comment section thing and the disliked ones at the bottom? Or would the comments being disliked be generally removed if disliked enough? And how many dislikes would that have to be? And would there be a limitation to what is allowed to be disliked or not? If someone dislikes something that is just fine, what could be done?
But I agree with Miya disliking comments seem too much... If disliking comments were a thing. I'd feel safer if there were a secure guideline made and enforced by Qidian, stating what a comment being disliked should be used for. And a quick reminder in the notifications when you start your account on Qidian stating to read the comments guidelines, etc.
But anyways, mind sharing what you think it would be?
I think that a cool thing would be if the comments section had categories, like you could use a pull down menu thing, and go to "novel discussion" for actual novels discussions. Or "greetings" for that... That way people can do what they wish to in the comments section... and for serious readers like yourself, if someone puts a greeting into the novel discussion section... then you can dislike to your hearts content.
Although I wonder what that sounds like... oh. The forum.
Klepar After all, writing up long tirades, about how "thx" is an utterly useless contribution to the discussion, is also pretty useless. People who write things like that won't stop polluting the comment section just because of that.
Do people do that, really? Seems pretty rude to be saying a respectful person saying thanks is being a useless contribution... honestly I feel like if people were told that they'd just not feel like being a part of the conversation at all. I wouldn't, at least. got nerves of jellyfish
.... in conclusion ....
I just kinda slapped together a bunch of opinions and hope they make sense. Please don't lynch me.