Cilliez OH GOD NO! Din't you read I'm Really a Superstar? Zhang Ye(the mc) destroy people with his millions of fan! Do you want your cultivation point to be -9999 ?
Add a "Dislike" button.
Cilliez DID SOMEBODY MENTION CAKE? :point_left: :laughing:
Miya LOL same my Queen! :guardsman:
Neverfire7 These creature's called teenager are tot , especially you! (bam! bam! knocking table) GUILTY!! Execute the runescape teenager defendant NOW!! :point_right: :cry: (this is you Neverfire7)
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WeebMonsieur Bu-bu-but I stopped playing Runescape years ago!
Neverfire7 You have been chosen by Runescape and have the highest lvl of woodcutting in the whole multiverse! You are Runescape and! RUNESCAPE ARE YOU!!:cloud_lightning::cloud_lightning::cloud_lightning::cloud_lightning:(epic voice causing storm and ripple of energy to the whole world)
Klepar I believe criticism is necessary as well, but I don't think disliking a post constitutes as criticism.
seen so many i am first, it became and eyesore
zswaleh How could you say that to me .......(cries while running) :crying_cat_face:
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zswaleh maybe you should reply of those "first commenters" and say something along the line of "good for you mthrf&ker, but no body gives a flying f** "
i think if you drop enough f bombs :bomb: at them, they'll dislike you too :wink:
#stillmoreeffectivethanadislikebutton :radio_button:
@Neverfire7 how to adulting rule #26: give people solid advice :thumbsup:
Miya I resent this! Spongebob is never creepy!!
Miya and that was my tot! should have gotten credit for that lol
PearPressure I agree it does not count as criticism.
I think we all need to step back and stop thinking like this is youtube where the community of trolls has been drowned by sheer numbers. We are a small community and it only takes one troll to spoil the barrel.
Trolls love dislike buttons and they feed on their comments being disliked because a dislike does not mean a ban, and helps their cause to say they posted more because they felt they were not being heard if you push for those disliked comments to the bottom.
I say we make a clean break, no dislike button, add a spam flag that stacks up like demerits until they are fired! Most liked comments naturally float to the top as they are popular for a reason.
the only reason someone stops reading to like a comment is because they were actually interested in that comment thus it is deemed more useful than those not read. We don't need a dislike button to filter those meaningful comments to the top and those "useless" thanx to the bottom where translators who are looking for appreciation can be appreciated and do their job by looking at the meaningful comments first lol. Helps translators do their job and gets rid of the random thanx comments no? It's genius!! Also with spam flag you now have troll protection? We all happy?
Miya Well many people did that to me and all I can say that to those people is...**I CONQUERED THIS LAND (comment section in this chapter)AND ALL YER WENCHES BELONG TO ME NOW ...oh yeah it's include your mother so i'm your fourth step father SURPRISE!
Yeah I pretty much don't give a shit
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WeebMonsieur as a veteran "first commenter" who worked hella hard to be at the top (all those "refresh" couldn't have been easy) i can say we own the comment section and no hate will conquer our will to triumph
:smiling_imp: :military_medal:
I support the idea but frankly am against it, for the sole reason that most people will dislike something not because what somebody says is wrong, but out of petty revenge for daring to have another viewpoint. Dislikes shouldn't be a petty weapon you use to silence other peoples opinions or objective facts, since lets be honest, the thing people hate the most is when people are honest.
So it's heading towards something like a Reddit styled upvote and downvote system?
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Miya But my mother told me not to swear, so I don't. What gentle person I am! Besides, I'm practically already a dispenser of solid advice.
Yes i totally agree. Some comments are outright mockery or arguments. You cant quell such guys by replying to their comments, for it fuels them to send scathing replies which turn it into a bigger argument to the point of insults. It Would be great if we can simply downvote such comments