We all know the translator and QI needs to make money but just make it a AD novel not a premium novel because most people cant afford 3 premium chapters a day (including me).
Don't make RSSG Premium
We (The readers) absolutely love that fact that the trans team would be paid for there work but we can't afford the SS. Many of us pay for multiple prem novels and if we have to pay for them all we won't have enough for RSSG. Please respond to our plea and at least make RSSG Ad supported instead of SS. Heck, I would watch 2 ads per chapter just to read without having to pay so many SS.
It might already be too late though...
Well, they partnered with Gravity Tales to be able to host RSSG here so I'm gonna assume they'll do it by ad-revenue. Premium seems very silly from multiple angles.
Well they did Prem in TKA
Seriously, don't make this premium, you're going to kill a good novel by being greedy as shit. The patreon brings in over 25k a month, over 300k a year. You're not happy with that? You didn't even write the novel, calm down on the greed. I, for one, will NOT be paying for it on here. Cancelling patreon, and I'll be reading this elsewhere when this goes premium.
I sincerely hope nobody gives you a damn dime.
I for one am happy to watch a short ad to read the novel however don't make it premium. We have void realm experts on patreon already supporting the translator. And don't say that its for hosting the novel, gravitytales already has that covered. The point is traffic generated by the novel would lessen by being too greedy.
I'm sure that many people other than myself would be very happy to watch a few ads a day in order to read this novel, it is pretty unfortunate that the Spirit Stones are quite cost inefficient for the readers, and that they are indeed quite hard to get. This leads to our appeal, please don't make this novel Premium, we would be eager to watch it based off ads. If this goes premium, it would be near a guarantee for a lot of people to drop this novel just like how they dropped The King's Avatar. Thank you for reading through this and please consider to make it accessible via ads, but not only for this novel but also for other novels such as King of Gods and The World Online. These novels have all come from a site where it is virtually free to view all the chapters, suddenly making it so that we the readers have to pay for it would definitely encourage us to get off the boat as soon as possible.
I hate this premium bs
I hate this premium bs
I hate this premium bs
Gravity Tales has just confirmed on Oct. 1 RSSG goes premium.
- Edited
One_Cream_Puff Shit. Well, at least Gravity Tales is still free right?
Rextraos If they post premium chapters on Webnovel i doubt the same chapters will be free on Gravity, that would be extremely silly.
The translators already said on their patreon it's going premium and they will no longer be allowed to post chapters to GT.
Well, either continue or drop it guys.
SweetsTomato I choose both.