Hello frnd. thank u for ur review and yea, i will do a rework in my earlier chapters, but before that, can u please chck my latest chapter and tell me whether or not, should i change the perspective of telling. i mean, currently its first-person, so, should i make it 3rd person or keep it like that.
thank u in advance.
anyone else who wanna check my novel, here's the link:
Review Swap!
It is up to you on the point of view of your story. If you want to explore other character's thoughts besides the main character. I would suggest going with the third person. But remember each point of view has pros and cons. You should do some research to figure out which one would suit your story.
EldridSmith I'll review urs first might take a little time as am' swmaped with many books to review.
Navakor I'll review urs first :)
here's mine
Okika252 I'll review urs first :)
here's mine
mugarg will review urs first
here's mine
Lex_George here's mine
i'll review urs first x
EldridSmith I no longer have the time to do review swap swaps, however feel free to swap with with other people.
EldridSmith wow! you replied to yourself master stroke
MishalZamir Plz do mine sir FIRST! XD. [I just want to inform u that u said the same thing 'will review urs first' in all of ur comments. so, whom are u gonna review first????
will be happy if u can have some time for me sir. [On a side note: i will be grateful if u plz review my latest chapter and tell me about my perspective and story-telling part. I need to rework my first volume chapters, so reviewing them would be meaningless now]
Thank u in advance!
EldridSmith Sir, plz do mine if u have some free time.
Hi! Please review mine too. It's fairly new (just a few days old) and I'm still working on adding chapters right now.
JunkieOverThe_Moon Lol I'm sorry-I have lotsa' novels to review dun worry I dun back away from something I say xD I've reviewed everyone's novels lemme do urs now ;) x -Meshal.
Lex_George Done :) dun forget to review mine!
EldridSmith Hi , I'm in here's mine
Tell me when you finish it
Hello friends I am a newbie.
Check out my novel and review also how you feel about it.
aleksandra_pano10 want a review swap?
My book is "From Pearl to Onyx: Love and Vengeance"
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