Billdoor Moldova?
How diverse is our community?
typicaly97 Klepar i was talking about important countries, that contribute to Europe, leading it.
Billdoor Ahem... Obviously, you're talking about Britain! Obviously
Austria. (not Australia)
We have cows and they have kangaroos, so please don't mess that up.
!ndia . I spend roughly around 5-6 hrs reading novels daily . No fixed no. of novels per day .
Neverfire7 Netherlands bro..largest net contributor to the EU, paying in €8.3bn a year but receiving only €2bn back...
no one wants to live in the Netherlands, come on guys. We all speak about Germany here. Unofficial leader of Europe and due to Trumps inability leader of the western world :D
California, USA.
Olivia Yes, my dearest junior?
Billdoor That's slightly true but I'm just going to pretend that I didn't read that... After all, Britain is still pretty famous...
Britains water tastes awful.
Biking in Berlin = DEATH
Olivia I'll have you know that our water tastes splendid! Just how water should taste like! Not with weird things that make it undrinkable!
I was staying in London for about a week and I was drinking bottled water for my entire stay, the tap water tasted like bleach.
Olivia You've... been hit by a car whilst cycling? Nice...