I noticed the mobile website just changed on Firefox for Android. Not using the mobile app. I'll be listing bugs and criticizing it below.
List of currently spotted bugs:
1. No forums button to open forums page.
2. 'New to Webnovel' section is mislabeled as 'Trending Original Stories' The section has non-original novels. Should be called the 'New to Webnovel' section just like the desktop version.
3. Rankings does not work properly. The 'original' option is greyed out and unselectable.

Other feedback:
1. New novels section is confusing. Doesn't seem to actually display newest novels first. What is the order going by?
2. Just like #2 mentioned in previously, the new way of selecting original is cumbersome and hidden. It doesn't currently work, but if it did then I'd have 3 steps. Tap translation, then tap original, then tap done. Three steps under a barely noticeable drop-down menu. It's bad design.
3. The new version of the 'updating' section is ugly since most new novels don't have covers yet.

Another random note on the website in general for both PC and mobile.
1. Why not move trending originals near the top after the Recommended section? It seems weird how Ladies Pick is up so high.

    about bugs:
    1. we removed the forum button on the main page, while you could always find it in the sidebar(which will show after clicking your avatar)
    2. Thanks for feedback, we've fixed it~
    3. it's designed to scroll and select, we will optimize it next iteration

      Alright. Just something to note about the forum button. I only ever used mobile before I started writing. I only created an account and started writing because I saw the writing competition on the forums. Having the forums button in a less visible location may lead to less new original authors in the future. I would likely never tap the profile button to look for the forums button as a new reader since I wouldn't be aware of it's existence nor have an account.

        Where do you find the latest update section or is it gone if it’s gone bring it back

          y2x how about a simple function for authors on PC...?

          Our "dashboard" only allows viewing one novel at a time, whereas mobile app allows a snapshot overview of all books - without wordcount or chapter numbers.

          Possible for inkstone web to have the overview of all books at the same time....?

          • y2x replied to this.

            Thanks. Glad to know you're taking in feedback. I've managed a mobile app beta before, so I understand there are certain trade-offs and not everyone can be satisfied. Just glad to know you're listening whether it's changed or not.

              Not trying to beat a dead horse here but I’m still struggling to figure out where the “latest updates” are on the safari webpage(mobile site). Is it just me? This Lone nomad is humbly seeking enlightenment.

              • y2x replied to this.

                y2x Why I am not seeing original novels list?

                  y2x There is kinda a major oversight in the entire design where someone thought it was a good idea to remove the forum button and only leave it in the sidebar. That sidebar is unavailable in the app, so the change not only made it harder to find normally, it also crippled the app version of the same page.

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