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If I write and post/share it at webnovel do they have this kind of payment? Can somebody please enlighten me? I'm a little bit confused. But I really want to write a novel and be able to share it.
If I write and post/share it at webnovel do they have this kind of payment? Can somebody please enlighten me? I'm a little bit confused. But I really want to write a novel and be able to share it.
Solarisorion you can post for free if that is what you are asking. Just check out inkstone. If you are asking if you get paid, then that requires a contract
If you do really well, they'll offer you a contract. It's up to you whether or not to accept. Just know that accepting comes with some 'interesting' terms, or so I've heard.
Dontlookdown I recently tried to post one, but a contract popped-out so I cancelled my posting. I got confused, because I thought I can post for free without wanting to get paid.
Tashady The terms of submitting how many words per day or the quota?
You can submit however many you want, although if you don't have chapters every day or two at the very least, getting more readers might be hard. If you sign a contract with them, you can guarantee 400$ USD per month for 4 months as long as you write 100k words per month (~3k per day). Of course, your novel needs to be popular enough to get a contract in the first place.
Solarisorion I recently tried to post one, but a contract popped-out so I cancelled my posting. I got confused, because I thought I can post for free without wanting to get paid.
You can.;,;. if they offer you a contract, and you don't want it, you can just deny it and keep posting it however you want.;,;.
DeJeL Thank you
Sacredwisp Damn 400$ I'd rather struggle than pay huhuhu
Solarisorion I meant they pay you, not you pay them (if you sign a contract)
There is no down side to write a novel and alot of benefit if you do succeed. No reason not to write a novel, if you're afraid of not having anyone read your novel after you post it then post the link here and i read it and review it after you reach 10 chapters
I feel like starting to make one, but the will to read is greater. I can not stop reading to write, it's difficult ..
Do you want to review my novel? If yes then I can only suggest typing in Apkxiaanita. thank you
A few words of warning, though.
If you do share your work, your skin's thickness will be tested :)
Try to relax and do not take criticisms too personally.
And that is if you get any comments at all...
I not saying i going to give out reviews, im saying that for new authors, i willing to be a fan. You already got a fan base, stick with daily releases and hope for the best <3
Yes, it's not enough for me. What you did was very good to me. Thank you, and I will certainly wish you the best
Rejected_Devil OMG you are heaven sent, I will try to share it here <3
Sacredwisp Oh I thought, I was the one who was gonna pay LMAO my heart dropped at that moment for awhile. But that's a good news :D
Blackvision Yeah, the will to be just the one who reads and not write is hard to compete with-- but the will to share your own story too is strong! (OwO)