Apparently, my create a Chapter Button disappeared, but for some reason, I cannot upload images from my harddrive to the forums.
Bruh? How does this even happen?
CrimsonIndWorks555 yep, it's all because of these new updates, the buttons disappear constantly for me, and worst ever since this new update, I can no longer create a chapter offline, like I used to, so unless I have wifi, I can't write here.
QW_JiHi Hey, Jihi, you there? I'm not shamefully promoting, but I just want to ask: Would you like to read a Chapter of the Horror Parody I wrote?
CrimsonIndWorks555 Hi! Yes I'm here and sure I'd like to check it out! Btw sorry for the late reply, I usually don't check the forum a lot.
QW_JiHi Ok, Thx Bro, here you go:, I'm trying to be as Shameless as Possible, because a girl on the website forums called: "Sara Wilcox" made a forum post for newbies, just like me.