WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Thank you dear translators for the mass release of FMHM...
And please kindly show some progress in the chapter updates of MY BEAUTIFUL COMMANDER...
Very disappointed from the current progress...πŸ™

    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL wow definitely new, exciting and interesting I never read a novel with a zombie female lead it's like a i breath of fresh air.. ..or roten air πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm so looking forward to it now, make it so soon!

      Aoyuki your so right we demand mass release because we deserve it for our full support and shamelessness

        sir, dont u think there are a heck lot of system novels already?
        and u want more? isnt this ... a bit extreme. well, not that im against it, but i would like something more ... normal and praisworthy than having a heaven-defying system-like novels. Thank u

        Pancake61 Yeah.. it really is sad that FMHM doesn't always get mass releases even though it is consistently on the top spot sigh

        Thank for the mass release of Full marks hidden marriage

          Thank you FMHM for the mass release today.hoping for more next weekend.

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