Lost all my SS.... 1300+
All of my SS disappeared.
Looks like I'm not the only one. Now the real question is will they give us back the same amount of ss that we lost or will it be more or less then what we lost and what would happen if the lost ss was the premium ss that was purchased
Same all my ss is gone T.T
I bought 1000 worth of ss.now ,my balance is 0.is this a scamm? Im so angry
My 260 Spirit Stones disappeared why?????? What happened!!!
All of my ss has disappeared. Hope this will be fixed soon.
this is just bull. Had 99. Went to vote so that's a stone gone and 5 I didn't get. Watched a video and didn't get those. It'd be fine if every book and every chapter had watch a video to continue.....smh...and all these people missing way more this is bull!
Same here..where did all our ss go...bring back all of our ss..pleaseeeeee.
I just lost all my 1100+ stones as well
ugh All my Stone lost D:
What happen....all my spirit is lost.
So there are other people who SS dissapear suddenly. I'm just shock right now, I thought it just me.
Haha! i just went on a spending spree yesterday, so the total amount i lost was a measly 20 ss. The lesson to learn is... dont save stuff, use it all whenever you first get it
I am also in yhe camp of people whom had their SS taken by arogant nobles in need of a good slap in the face and request that the hand be firmly applied and my SS promptly returned by a kind-hearted protagonist.
Mine too
All mine suddenly vanished as well....
bought the 2500 pack and now my stones have disappeared, where did they go?
give our SS back! and compensate us with the stress you've given us let this day be a free ss until you fix your bug problem.. so annoying can't read now those stories..