WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Please solve it it quickly. Give back my missing stone. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
SS issue
DeciduousCloud same here....
Also u don't receive any SS after u vote a power stone to the chapter u like
Thank goodness. I thought l loss all my save stones
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Thank you. I hope you get it fixed soon.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL and i almost panicked. Lol. Hope it'll be restored soon.
Yay my ss came back
thank you was planning to get more ss
Faruel panicking right here my 543 ss suddenly disappeared. I cant read evil wild consort's. Please restored our ss right away.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL thanks. I got mine back now.
Thanks. Hope it can be fixed asap.
Shifter2187 also ive purchased 1000 coins and the charge went through my account. when will this be fixed?
DeciduousCloud wow...it's resolved .... Finally ... Happy reading
The bug has been solved thank you!
well looks like im going 2 hav 2 work at work 2nite
Thx for fixing
Already resolved. Thank you.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL The SS that I should have got for inviting two friends was not returned. (I tried to claim it 30 minutes ago, but it gave me an error and I didn't get the stones.) http://prntscr.com/liz5hb
Idk if they're working through the database one user at a time or just fixed the whole thing... but mine is back up now. So check again.
Please fix it right away. I wanted to read evil wild consort's. So shock i just bought ss last week. I need my 543 ss back right away please.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL hurry up pls... Batong-bato na ako..