For example, it says there are over 1300 chapters for I’m Really a Superstar, but I can only see 1,265 and unlock to that much. Is this normal or a bug or am I missing something?

    I am having the same problems. So I had to go online and read it. But could guys see how to gix this

      It seems like online is fine, but for the app, this bug is just happening across several of the novels I’m reading.

        I have problem with My Youth Began with Him. I lost all the chapters in Volume 1 including the ones I've unlocked. But I could still read them if I opened the book on browser. It is just what would usually happen or it's because of a bug?

          hansora Just checked and you can still read on your phone but on a browser app (safari for example if you have iphone). Otherwise, this bug will cuck your reading experience as you are unable to see a lot of chapters that are supposed to be there.

            Did you try updating your app? I just did that then i opened each books and turn to the second from the last available chapter that i have and refreshed my library. After at least 2 hours i opened my app and refreshed my library again and now its working just fine 😊

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