I'm here to ask again all of you veteran writers, what I the format of a chapter (I don't know how to describe it so ill make an example)

For EXAMPLE, this is the chapter:

chapter 1 blah blah blah

you write what the mc feels and sees or anything else
then you proceed to dialogue.

"This is the dialogue"

next ure gonna write what mc feels or sees or anything else then dialogue again?

is that it or I'm missing something important?

    Creating a chapter for a webnovel involves structure yes, but it can be simple depending on how you want to set it up.
    First, you need an introduction which could start with a Scene, character monologue, emotions, etc. It depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your character/Novel. It could even be the scenary. After this, you just dive into the Main character. As for Dialogue, this is also dependant on a few things like if it is necessary to progress(If you have multiple people have a talk about important points that moves your story foward). You also need to provide the descriptions of surrounding areas(Scenery as mentioned) if you haven't already. It's not always necessary but it is good to give visuals so people can feel within the scene. You need Action/conflict or something that moves the plot foward. You need to keep interest by providing the why for the characters to conduct their actions. When you are done with all of this and hitting your specific Word limit for the chapter(which you should set to have if you want to publish a Webnovel), you can begin to wrap things up for that specific chapter and set up for the following chapter. Write a transition to the next chapter and a cliffhanger. Cliffhangers are what makes people want more of your story, so when writing them you should be thoughtful of that.

    I hope this helps you.

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