LuoYeYouLing that's because of different dialects. I still find the name kai xin obnoxious, no offense.
Rant: Don't Butcher Chinese Names Please
These are for a novel I will post in future
Ke Lin (girl)
Si Yan (also girl)
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Hu Zi is actually a nickname. The zi is not part of them names.
i get super annoyed by how they butcher chinese names or flip it around too. its frustrating to read and irksome.
not to mention that most of these translations are done by americans who have no clue what they are translating.
for example, "mei zi" is often translated to "sister". you see this in many novels that has a female lead and in more modern novels today but it's real meaning is not sister, but girlfriend/wife.
in Pet Life, Zi An's name should be two words because it's a chinese names, but it's translated as Zian. as if it is an english name which is irritating.
it's sad because his name was even given meaning and explained in the first few chapters, yet horribly butchered into "Zian", with only the Z capitalized to tell readers that it's one "word/name"
in later chapters, the mermaid cannot pronouce his name correctly and this cements the name "Zian" because they think that it's a weird name, when it's actually a very common name
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guren is fine. its really depends on the characters used but if you are typing in english, theres no need to bother.
also if you want to seperate the names, you should do it for all the names, or just write it like how you did.
wu ting for example is seperated, but gurem.jian,jiayi is not.
there are no words in chinese/korean with two "sounds", so they are all seperate and to be accurate, you should put a spacing between them
jian = i read it as ji an, not jian. it can also be jian but few people are called surname+jian, because jian can mean sword, or an insult like "cheap/shameless" so nobody will call their children that
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Wú Yú (吴愚) will Always be the best name, no matter what. :>
ihatemilk Correction: Jie is not only used by "close friends or family". In business situations, your co-workers who are older than you can also be referred to as 'jie'. It's like a casual way to show respect (e.g. the famous actress Yang Mi is often referred to as Mi'jie by those younger than her. Liu Yifei is also called Yifei'jie).
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SnoozySloth sorry, I think I skipped over this post when I was replying to others. :grimacing: hope it's not too late. Fang Hao sounds fine. Fang should be the last name. Surnames come first in Chinese.
How about 崇凛/Chonglin for the grandfather? Chong = honor and Lin = stern
子龙/Zilong is a pretty classic name with the Long character in it. The meaning is similar to son of dragon.
So for the grandpa it would be Fang Chonglin? That sounds good to me =)
I ended up naming the son of heaven character Tai Long. Hopefully I didn't butcher it too badly >.> lol
SnoozySloth tai long's pretty good.
yaoyueyi What about this generator for generic names?
It seems good to me, though I don't really know anything about Chinese language.
JohnnyKbca some are decent, the others are just... no, just no. one of them, huang cai, literally sounds like yellow vegetable.
yaoyueyi I need a name for three people ( I need short and easy to pronounce names like nei li, qin li, mo heng )
Character 1: male
Characteristics: short tempered, hot blooded, loud mouthed,
Name type: something related to blood, or demons, along those lines
Character 2: female
Characteristics: overbearing, violent, dominant, assertive
Name type: something related to rock, Stone, mountain or oxen
Character 3: female
Characteristic: calm,gentle,sweet,kind
Name type: something related to flowers with thorns
Funny how I just this post and literally just read a novel where the MC name is Ting Wo I couldn’t help but think of it as 听我 which was quite weird
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Immortal_Simo that's why I'm seeking expert advice. I have already named my mc as autum power
Are you a man or woman with great taste?
Then read my new novel, with daily chapters and more than 1300 words, some Grammar mistakes in first three chapters.
Dungeon Life - A Pervert's Dream (DLPD)
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