So im here writing my chapters ready for release and after 4000words it decides to crash and not allow me to recover all my written words. FOUR HOURS!!! Of my life wasted. FIX THIS SHIT PLEASE!!!!
You've learned two valuable lessons today.
1. Save often. Regardless of writing in Word or Inkstone, I save constantly.
2. Writing in an online cloud platform has risks. This is why most authors write their chapters in offline platforms such as Word before copy and pasting into Inkstone.
Not saying that it doesn't suck to lose your hard work. I've been there for similar things in the past. But pretty much any program or platform will have times they fail and crash. The benefit of an offline platform like Word is at least the data is saved directly to your hard drive when you save. If you want a cloud platform, you may want to use Google Docs. It's very reliable and saves constantly while you work, almost guaranteeing little to no data loss.