Here's mine:'s-odyssey-harbinger-of-hope_28588337208962505

Title: Aubert’s Odyssey

Genre: Fantasy, Action, Romance

Synopsis: In the vast Omniverse, a dire entity named Desoloth emerges, posing an existential threat by consuming universes. Aubert, a solitary figure skilled in arcane arts, opposes Desoloth's destructive path. Despite Desoloth's might, Aubert manages to temporarily contain the entity within an alternate dimension. However, understanding the temporary nature of this victory, Aubert embarks on a quest to seek the aid of an alternate version of himself in a realm rich with magic, believing this variant to be the harbinger of hope. This alternate Aubert is envisioned as the key to achieving a lasting solution to the threat Desoloth poses.

    [Congratulations on being chosen by Nerlim's SS-Rank system!
    Would you like to accept systems help?

    (YES) (NO) ]

    "No." I said without hesitating

    [Excuse me? ]

    "I said 'No.' " I replied

    [Sorry. Does not compute. Did you mean to say YES?]


    [WHY NO?]

    What a creepy system. If I wasn't allowed to say no, why did it give me an option?

    [No one ever chooses 'no'.]

    Guess I will be the first then...

    "No. " I say monotonously


    [You will regret this. ]

    Did I just get threatened by a system?'s-youngest-son-is-a-regressor_28668092108784505

      6 days later

      Hello everyone, I wanna share my first book here.

      Sometimes I think that being the Gods is not easy. Humans like to complain about many things and that might be a hassle for the Gods. Then from that thought, I decide to made it into a novel.

      If you like fantasy malebooks, you can check this out. Or maybe if you wanna swap collect and review, just drop your book's link on comment. But I hope you will also be my loyal/true readers. Thank you.'t-that-easy_28862095608215205

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