Indexing or how to index on Google is an important part in the world of search engines. This term works side by side with its two counterparts, namely crawling and ranking.

These three things become one unit in the work of search engine optimization (SEO).

The reason is, if a website is not indexed well, it will be difficult for the site to appear on the search engine results page (SERP).

Actually, what is indexing and how does it work? How do you get a website into Google's index?

In this article, Glints has prepared complete information for you. Come on, take a look at the following explanation!

You may often encounter the word 'indexing' on various occasions, including in data processing. In this article, Glints will only discuss indexing in search engines.

Quoted from Moz, indexing is the process of storing and organizing content found by search engines during the crawling process.

Meanwhile, according to DeepCrawl, indexing is the process when search engines organize information before a search occurs.

So, when someone searches for a keyword, search engines can easily find relevant sites.

Indexing or web indexing is one part of search engine performance. Broadly speaking, the work of a search engine consists of three stages, namely crawling, indexing, and ranking.

In the crawling stage, search engines explore various sites on the internet through the URLs they find.

The next stage is indexing, when search engines store and organize content on various sites.

Then ranking occurs, which is when the search engine displays content that best meets user expectations.

Later, the results of the indexing process will become a source of data on search engines. When you search for something with a keyword, search engines will look for the content you mean in their index.

If you are still confused, you can imagine a database in a library. There, of course, is data containing the book title, author, and year of publication of a book.

When searching for a book in the database, you will find a book that meets your expectations. This can happen because the librarian has indexed the books in the library.

There are various things that are generally included in Google's index, namely URLs, text, images, videos, and all URL HTML code.

How Indexing Works

Indexing is a process carried out by search engines themselves, including Google.

In general, how indexing works starts with a content analysis process.

Search engines will analyze the keywords on a website and ensure that the keywords are relevant to the content.

Then, web crawlers and web spiders visit various pages on a website and collect information on them.

The findings from the web crawler then become an index, as quoted from AddSearch.

When you search with a keyword, search engines will display all the results in their index.

You don't need to be confused about the difference between indexing and ranking.

Indexing or index is something that is static. The contents of the search engine index will not change.

Meanwhile, ranking is something dynamic. There are various things that influence the ranking of a website on search engines.

How to Index Google

  1. Take advantage of Google Search Console
    The best way to get into Google's index is to use SEO tools, one of which is Google Search Console.

This Google product has a ton of benefits that you can enjoy for free.

You can monitor crawling, index errors, and website security.

Apart from that, you can enter your website so that it is easily indexed by Google.

  1. Create content
    Whatever type of website you have, make sure there is quality content on it. Create content that is relevant to your website.

The reason is, Google will find it easier to crawl a website that has content. So, your website will be indexed more easily by Google.

  1. Increase internal links
    Just creating content is not enough. You need to complete your content with internal links.

Quoted from Backlinko, an internal link is a hyperlink from a word in your content that refers to another page on the same domain.

  1. Get backlinks
    Indexing is a process that has a lot to do with content, including links. Therefore, internal links are not enough.

You still need to get backlinks as a way to get into Google's index.

In short, backlinks are links that are on a website and lead to your website, as quoted from Ahrefs.

If there are other websites that provide a link to your website, you get a backlink from them.

Quality backlinks are very important in indexing because Google will see it as a quality website too.

  1. Create a sitemap
    The next way to get included in Google's index is to create an XML sitemap.

An XML sitemap is a list of website pages created for search engines to make them easier to find.

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