Review and Collection Swap^^
ElenayaBlack hi, I'm also up for a review swap, relatively young book. Here's the link
Hi, who want to swap review with me?
Link below!
ElenayaBlack Yes of course! Just added your book to my library
itoade thanks. I'll check it later. Also done adding yours.
- Edited this one is still new and needs editing. It's for cupid quill. Called "the female lead's twin sister"
ElenayaBlack sure, adding yous to my lib now, gonna review later^^
Penality swap review with me too^^
superAyan Wait
superAyan done, now your turn
superAyan sure. I'll be adding yours now. Will review it later. Thank you!
Kexer i already give a 5 stars, hope u review my novel back
ElenayaBlack Hello, wanted to doing swap review?
ElenayaBlack done! U can check now