daniz_ I actually left a review on yours already^^ I did comments too if I remember..?

    superAyan Eeeeyyy bro it's youuu
    I didn't check your name before but damnn
    What have you done to your book man? I read it and left comments and reviews back when we were swapping. I liked it a lot so I added the book to my library to read it, but when I came back, there were no updatess sndkdkdne I thought you dropped the novel it was sooo disappointing how could youu

      itoade sure! I'll do both^^ I'll add them on my library now, thank you~

        daniz_ yeees, it me~ I shifted it from 3rd point to 1st point of view so I did major editing, I'm glad I did though, it got contracted but still lacking in readers haha

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