Hey, so lately I have been browsing a lot of originals since I honestly prefer the amazing originals (stuff like the books written by ShiranuiShukumei and Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies) to most translated books.
I ran into a problem though, it has to do with the one kind of book I will NEVER enjoy; System Books.
The Popular Original Eastern Fantasy Section is absolutely full of these little shits. It annoys the hell out of me because almost every original and translated system book I tried reading was a blight upon the holy thing known as WN.
I was wondering, who agrees that system books should get their own section?
Technically speaking, they should classify as Western Fantasy or Gaming since their base genre, LitRPGs, originated with gaming and were western fantasy/sci-fi based.

    Honestly can't stand them either. It's like someone came along and created an entire genre out of the game five year olds play where they keep making up new reasons why they win and everyone else loses.

    Then again, I've also never seen something in that genre that I would willingly pay money to read either, so there's that.

      Same here it's just that they (author) don't give a shit about logic and give readers an immersive story not justification for your decision.


      Make your book for yourself, if you really like what you have in mind other people should too, there is no book that everyone will like, I think clown likes realistic books, at least in its own world, so a system which breaks all world logic for that one person, would not work for him/her.

      He may enjoy a book where everyone gets a system. {I do not speak for him, he mostly was a random person in this case}

      WorstNameEver Oh! I only saw the word fantasy, my bad.
      (Though the title of this article is misleading, easily mistaken for ALL system books)

        WorstNameEver Yeah, sir Dao, I'm kinda hurt (lol, no I'm not). I wanted to do something with this "system" trope that I don't even fully understand -- the only systems I know about are the ones used in quick transmigration stories whose target readers are female. I just thought there's this one way a device like that could be used, and I built the bigger plot around that. But for starters, I just made the system take the role of "god" in a typical transmigration setting. I always hesitate to use him further after his only real role is done, he might break immersion to the new world. Some readers say they like him, though, even if he doesn't do what systems should. I'm starting to think I should lose the "system" tag for now.

          I can understand your point, there are tons and tons of them out there.

          I honestly like the idea myself to have some sort of entity that acts like a system just not how many authors approach it. I'd much rather have something more subtle then a blatant AI ruling ones actions and motivations with arbitrary quests that force some plot. A system if used well should enhance the story, it should not by itself become the only real plot there is.

            Rynea I made sure that everything in my book has a reason for existence, nothing that is heaven defying, broken or a cheat. And yeah systems do exist in my novel ( a lot infact). Have a read at mine if you have the time
            Title: I Hate Systems
            Link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/12200080106081005
            Recently systems have been spammed like air because they are similar to fan fiction in that
            1) you don't need to think up new plot
            2) all of your errors can be supplemented with some new system function or it's analysis
            3) the mc doesn't need to be too brainy ( it's difficult to create an intelligent mc by authors who by themself doesn't have such intelligence in RL )
            4) easier to paint the storyline picture

            And hell no, I never used such common tropes ( my mc doesn't even possess a system 😁 )

              Yeah. The only eastern fantasy system one I like is Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith.

                It sort of depends. In a book like yours, the system is more of a source of information, plot advancement and causing the character to change in a way. The Trials are organised by it (I assume from what I have read) and those trials cause a change to the main character.
                Everything is dependent on how you, as an author look at the system and what the purpose of it is. Much like with any character, the system needs to have a purpose, or be trying to find one (trying to find one is not really valid in this case but still good to keep in mind for other characters).
                The purpose of the system will change what it actively wants to do (e.g. Test the main character and reward good results) and also what in unintentionally changes within the story.
                Maybe due to the help of the system, the main character's mind can't take any more modifications of its traits and breaks. That is just an example, but when writing you should try to immerse yourself as the character you are writing.
                Readers will do the same thing when they read, it is why most Romance books are written from a female perspective; people relate best to those of the same gender or mindset.

                  My problem with them is all rules I have to remember.

                    WorstNameEver Noted, thanks for this. I'm having a bit of trouble liking the male lead candidates for some reason, and I'm reluctant to step into their shoes to try and understand them better. I think the reason is what you said about perspectives. I'll keep that in mind too, thanks :)

                      I think most of us enjoy systems the first few times. Then we get sick/overloaded with them. I tried writing a system novel once, but the system crowd is very hard to please. I don't recommend it >.>

                        I like system books the most. If you don't like them, no one force you to read

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