between chapters 254 and 255, are there several missing or is it just me?

    I think you meant chapters 244 and 255?
    If so, I'm pretty sure there are several chapters missing as there is a huge time jump. Before Wang Tong goes to Norton I believe he was suppose to fight Kent as that is what happened in chapter 244 but then it automatically transferred him into leaving to go to Norton.

    If there were missing chapters I'd appreciate it someone can give a run down of what happened.

    I was about to create a thread about this. There is a significant gap between chapters 244 and 245. One is discussing and hyping a duel between male students, the next chapter then starts with the word "However, " and then proceeds to talk about two other girls insisting on joining the ground forces in a war. In the context of the story these are quite obviously disjointed. It is evident that there is a gap in the storyline here, which indicates missing chapters.

    The next chapter then takes another jump in the story which again indicates missing chapters. Is there a correction to this in the works?

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