I just started reading the FMHM and still on vhaoter 207, those that mean that I will not be able to view or read the remains chapters after Jan 1, 2019

    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Read wrongly and thought the 3 consecutive days (for the badge) starts from 31 Dec. Guess i won't be getting that badge. Cries 😭

    It's breaking my heart that I haven't received any Free SS this day, I can't open 5 chapters so that it will qualify me for some rewards this novel will be given πŸ’” Can someone send me some SS? Pretty Please? πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Is there any other official fan goods? And will there also be a possibility of publishing the book in paperbacks?
      I would love to have physical copies too, if possible.

        A beautiful journey is about to end and I’m having mixed feelings.

          I fell in love with this novel from the very beginning I would keep my phone beside me just waiting for the next update. I won’t lie I’m sad that it’s coming to an end because I loved waking up every morning and reading the next update. I want to thank the author and editor for all there hard work . I was so happy to just leave reality and immersed myself in this novel every day. You have a fan for life 😘😘😘

          thank you for giving us such a wonderful story..i loved it..

            thank you for giving us such a wonderful story..i loved it..

              Thank you Author for giving as such a wonderful story and also dear translator thank you so much for your effort translating this for us to read and understand the story..thank you!πŸ˜„πŸ˜šπŸ˜š
              HAPPY NEW YEAR..

              What a wonderful gift! Thank you for the gift but more importantly a big thank you to the author and translator! I thoroughly enjoy reading your novel, especially the black belly couple and all the face slapping. Please continue your hard work!

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL hi huhu I've consequently unlocked chapters for dec 30-jan 1 yet the big bun badge doesn't notify why so?? Was hoping starting new year with receiving such badge.. pretty sure I've made certain of it even going for unlocking 5 or more chapters per day to be sure.. is there some kind of glitch here?? Or the big bun badge is limited to top 500 fans also?? Hope you could clear this out thanks.. and also HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

                Veem_1 me too.... I just wanted the emblem. Even though I still didn't read it yet(because I'm too lazy to read for now.)

                  I followed the instructions for the big bun badge and have unlocked 5 premium each on 30,31 & 1, but I didn't get the badge. Is there any problem on your end? I even checked if my consumption of SS are on those particular days! Please help!

                  Love the novel. Thank you for the translation.
                  La multi ani! Happy new year!

                    I am really enjoying this novel. Thank you for great novel !!!!

                    Wow...am super duper happy on this one.

                      Things are getting interesting as we weface together the happy ending on this novel. truly it's kinda bittersweet feelings...we love this novel and now its about to end
                      huhuhuhuhu...wishing the author to write more awesome and heart touching novel like one on the future...πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’—

                        Heart77 hahahahha... we feel you maybe tomorrow January 2 will be the releasing date of those exciting budge. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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