Super gene chapters haven't been added yet, whats happening?
Yo where is the 5 chapters for Super god gene? There was only 2 chapters released today
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL a discount for LOHP please
No more Misty Cloud Translation novel?
I have a quistion can i download chapters withou lose any spirits ?
shashank1602 yes... Wher s mass release for super gene??
Webnovel why u do this
Where us super gene 5 chapters
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL you misspelled A Valient Life
Thanks for the mass release
Ooo!!! Can’t wait
Loving Trial Marriage. Please let's have a mass release
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL still dont see the mass release of super gene.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Dear Webnovel, there is still no update on PS I am (NOT) over you which should have ended months ago. However, the author is regularly updating her other novel Little Miss Devil........appreciate your advice on the status of it. What happened to the author for the following books as well:
1. Idiots in love
2. My perfect lady
3. i slipped to another world.....
4. The romance of lust