Veronica8 Zaldizko Ratio is 228:1
To My Sunflower Ratio is 343:1

Zaldizko Ratio is 250:1
To My Sunflower Ratio is 346:1

Both remain stable, which is a pleasant surprise. I guess people have yet to read it in their collections to experience the shock. XD

    Just saw today that I finally got another collection! I thought I’d be stuck at 1 forever.

    4263:2 so 2131:1 which is actually worse than the first figure posted, but no matter, just a little joy in my minuscule victory.

    Now I curious who these kind souls are haha!

      Has spring finally arrived for Nothing? Or is the spike in collections and views just a glitch lol. >3</

      Veronica8 Zaldizko Ratio is 250:1
      To My Sunflower Ratio is 346:1

      I'm losing collections fast and furiously on Zaldizko now it's rated No one under 17.
      I can live with it. My fault for not setting the right rating. I always figured the story was going to be a hit and miss being in a niche target with mature themes.

      Zaldizko Ratio is 264:1
      To My Sunflower Ratio is 343:1

        I really love this thread. There are people arguing, people posting their daily update of their ratio and people advertising their novel.

        I want to get into these.

        I go by the name of Nayamorac. Novice writer bored out his of mind and decided to write a novel.

        Here's the ratio of my novel.
        Minecraft: A New Beginning 401:1

          Nayamorac As long as you stick to the primary purpose of sharing your ratios, it's all good :grin: It's nice to watch the journey of a story's ups and downs.


          Oh, I was wondering if you meant "Beginning" for your title in the hyperlink, since it's spelled that way for your novel. >3</

            90751052 Oooh. Thanks for pointing that out. It is just a mistake. It is 'Beginning'.

              I'm back after few days to comment my ratio.
              Sure is an improvement

              So_mi hahahaha I'm a fan of yours I really the first novel

                Don't know. Don't care. I write for my own amusement. People are so weird trying to flex this shit.

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