1 collection every 100k views

Hmm hard to say if I feel unsatisfied about it. This ratio looks pretty good😁

Mine is about 121:1 (v:c)
I believe that will only increase with time, as the number of collections stabilizes (or go down :)), while number of views will keep rising.


    Leborn James is a normal dude, but hes still a big deal.
    You are too.

    He got one up on you for now however.

      I'm ashamed for bitching all this time. My ratio's been playing at 1:170, and I've been tracking my views per chapter published. I really wish I could separate the views from those who'd just found the story from the ones who came to read specifically for that newly released chapter. Anyway, it got 5k views in two days, then I released the next chapter and tracked again. That two days were during the weekends though, so that might not be the real average.

      You may all stone me to death now.

      334:1 Not exactly a great ratio. But the ratios will always get worse the longer a novel exists.

        Hyowha Overlord_Venus
        I'm so glad this was posted. I've always wondered how other author's do.
        1,107 views / 4727 Collections / 1:234 Ratio
        Although, I'd probably be doing better if I could release more often. 3 per week release rate. Also, only at 53 chapters.

          Lighthouse This is true, I just recalculated, it's at around 190 now. Fickle, fickle~

            Hyowha Speaking of no daily updates, has anyone here confirmed that that's required to be featured on the front page? Or just for the "daily updates" category? (The rules for this are like easter eggs...)

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