I don't mind paying for a translation or original novel. What I have a problem work is paying too much.

A typical book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble or elsewhere is going to be between $2 and $20. On here one novel can be hundreds of dollars if you purchase SS. Right now $20 gets you around 600 SS. In a novel where a chapter is 10 SS this only gets you 60 chapters.

I would like to ask/suggest if there can be some way to purchase a whole story at once for a reasonable set price even if the story is not completely translated or written yet.

    Wouldn't make much sense. Currently, people are paying for the chapter they read. Imagine a scenario where you are paying for something that is not ready, and it eventually doesn't get translated/written, what happens? It will be more of a PR nightmare.

    I'm no expert on creating proper business models but maybe a system that allows you the option to purchase complete volumes at reasonable prices and still allows spirit stones to be used to unlock newer chapters. (Assuming novels are split into volumes.)

      I understand what you are saying. But let's look at the opposite as well where we have a 1000 chapter book where each chapter costs 10 SS. That would be $333 to read the book. How is that a reasonable cost for me to read a book? What about a cap per book whereas if we hit a specific number of Spirit Stones shown q all chapters are unlocked.

        I also really hope they do something, i dont mind paying but the SS system is just inconvenient, annoying and expensive as hell. Im hardly reading anything on this site anymore cause the reading experience isnt good. Would love a sub that just gave access to everything, or at the very atleast the ability to buy full volumes/stories at reasonable prices.

        Edit: If they really insist on not doing any of that, at the very atleast a way to auto buy chapters so you dont constantly have to click the buy this chapter button, when just trying to read and relax.

          I will kill WN in so many fucking way that even zombies will look away from their decapicited corpse. Make it Netflix. That is basically taking my rights, the rights of a cheapskate, away. I will go to the UN justice court and demand justice!!!
          I'm just pure cheapskate. Don't take any of this to the heart, frnd. Just happy and shocked that something like this MAY happen.....

            Welp! I haven't read too many books but I've read many WNs and all I can say that out of 2M words, 50- 60% is filler or repeat info dump. It's helpful, I will give u that, but one for every fight scene and telling '...she is as beautiful as moon or... Sun or.... Starry skies..' or the male counterpart dialogue. All I'm saying is that it is a bad way of gaining money and hella expensive

              GegeSadewa I don't know how much books cost in USD, but in malaysia, imported english books cost around 10 dollars? (the stuff i read anyway) ...so if 33 books, about USD 330?

                Me too but webnovrks with their vast diversity and world setting kinda need it. I don't like it to be repeated but .... Its also kinda needed. On the other hand about free stones, at max u will be able to read 2-3 chaps with it, daily. And seeing that there are nearly 1000 to 2000 chaps in each novel, it's pretty impossible. Not impossible but pretty. I tried reading I Have A Mansion in Post-Apocalyptic World like that and it sucked. Every chapter becomes a cliffhanger and the ss keeps on decreasing and decreasing. Not a fabulous experience if u ask me.

                  GegeSadewa How? I cant find the option for it in either account settings, or reading settings. I must be missing a button somewhere.

                    mholmen I did a comparative calculation. If you buy books, a paperback is about 8 dollars and a new book (1st or 2nd print) twice that, trade paperback, or three times that. Assuming 1 stone is 2c, one page two stones, 4 cents for a page here, and 500 page book, 20 dollars. That's a bit pricy but comparative with Amazon. One should also observe that there are bonus stones, free chapters etc. So called full novel here corresponds to a series in traditional publishing.
                    However, it would be wise to cater also to those who have less money and the way traditional publishing does it is to have the cheaper editions released after one year. I would recommend offering chapters that are released a year ago on volume basis and 50% smaller price, and the chapters that are two years old, at 25% of the initial price. People with more money may afford to be impatient, those with less money would still contribute to the welfare of the authors. Mind you, less popular books appear in paperback in their first print, and they are not necessarily any worse.

                      pliszka Thing is, most books on amazon arent 30-70% filler. These stories are filled with useless stuff to make them longer so the author got paid more. Generally actual print books dont have that problem, cause the author is not paid on word count or chapter count, but on sales. Ofc we can argue what is filler and what isnt, some people dont like downtime where they just talk, while for others that is fine. When i say filler i mean uselessly long descriptions of how beautiful every single woman is, even if that woman doesnt matter for the story at all, and stuff like that.

                        Myddin when I want to unlock a chapter, before I press the spend ss button, I see there are a small checklist box underneath them with the text that said auto unlock for future new chapters.

                          5 days later

                          Myddin hes probably on mobile. I havent seen it while using pc either so its probably mobile only

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