fantasy_land thankyou so much
Do not self promote outside of monthly thread.
MishaK done reviewing your work. Loved it
bitterlouise thanks:) Please send your link again
Eslyna will do thanks!
Here's the new link
Yushirou Will review your novel for a swap
Here's mine:
great_gamer Done with ur book too(o)
Alright, I'll join this shameless-ness party!
So my story is a really trash fantasy book with a pretty op smart female lead (OP-ness revealed a bit later)
Haha, so I apologize beforehand for the trashiness...
anne_2 Review done. I strongly suggest you download and install Grammarly in your phone. It will help you a lot to check your work before posting. Also you need a new synopsis. I left a few some more advices in the comments. Your story is good but remember: presentation is everything! Keep up the good work!
@MishaK you are next
On queue:
@great_gamer I missed your tag the first time. you still want to trade reviews?
ihateyounot did someone review your novel? if not, tag me and I wil read it.
bitterlouise Done!
@MishaK Review done! Your writing is amazing!
GabrielDetchans Thanks! Could you please post your novel's link again?
@MishaK You are welcome! Here is the link to my novel!
@shrishthi review done! Left you a few advices that I hope you will find useful!
@fantasy_land you are next!
GabrielDetchans thankyou so much will definitely improve my writings with your advice
GabrielDetchans done
Have to say, your story is awesome.
GabrielDetchans Hi! Thanks for asking. I’ve currently got two reviews (excluding my own) so if you’re free, do come and drop one~ if you plan on skimming through without reading all ~100 chapters, I’d recommend skipping straight to the second volume lol. Thanks :D
@fantasy_land Thanks! I have read your up to chapter 26 and I gotta say I liked it very much! My recommendation to you would be to edit the first five chapters to fix a few silly grammar and spelling errors (
Prolouge comes to my mind) and add a little more content to make them larger. You improved at very fast pace and by the last chapter I read (26) you were already doing a great job. I loved the siblings of both mc!
@NguyenDynasty you are next
@ihateyounot Then I will add you to my queue :D