Hey, anne, I reviewed ur novel. It was nice and all but u need to work a little with the editing. Read ur chapters twice before posting and it will become 5 star chaps, I guarantee that!!
Do not self promote outside of monthly thread.
great_gamer In queue but expect me to write the review next week kindah busy tomorrow i have a lot of cakes and pastries orders for 6 occasions dated( 19, 20, 21) and organize a party too
MishaK sure.
JunkieOverThe_Moon Thank you, I'll do what you say. its just that when i write I'll never read it again due to shortage of time (work and business) real life strugles
but then thank you.
MishaK thankyou here is the link:
Hello! I just saw this nice little thread and decided to slyly slide my shameless self-promo here! A-Am I too late?! Whatever! I'm also checking out the other novels listed here! :D
Title: Angel Smile
Plot Summary:
Dad rapes(!!!TRiGGER WARNING!!!) girl, girl and her eldest brother mutually in love with each other, but it turns out no one is as they seem. Also, Dad's a murderer. Plot twist! Dad's not the real dad but he's still a b****!
Sorry for the bad summary... I don't know how else I should describe this novel to attract readers... Anyways! Please give it a read! I promise the novel (and me) is not as twisted as it might seem! (I'mlyingI'mactuallyprettydarkandcrazy)
bitterlouise review done.
It's a good book and find interesting while reading.Its already in my lib will read it completely
Please do read my book and give me a review
shrishthi Yes I will. Though I'll have time a little bit later, but no worries, I would take time to review yours. Thank you for the nice review
great_gamer Review done!
Joining the promotion
Am I too late? Anyway i'm also in
KaiDranzer will read your novel and let you know
@vorie_xingo @anya_nesh @StenDuring @Pgimz @M_T @Eslyna @NEidarous hi guys just finish reading your books and i leave comments on it. I have fun, learned a lot information and writing styles of your works. thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas
and for the rest don't worry i will definitely read and rate your works. The happy go lucky bunny is busy at the moment....probably january 22 i cant rate you all...hehehe
KaiDranzer in queue
can you review mine too?
thank you in advanced