Pizz hey, i'm from belgium and I'm considering going elite. Are you saying there will be a problem or..? Thanks in advanced.

    There's not really a problem for the end-user at this moment. We can buy the elite membership for now.

    What Pizz is saying, is that at some point the service will not be allowed (it shouldn't have been allowed in the first place) to be sold to us as they aren't GDPR compliant and they are technically racking up fines as we speak.


      I'm not saying anything myself as i have different problems due to missing stuff but for myself i only read a few novels at once as i read on 2 other free and official sites ( ie none pirating ) by different cn companies and they are still fully free,
      but if you read this whole post is saying there are problems with it not working. refunds problems just look at the post about yours to me and that's happening on both droid and apple if you read in here and a few other posted comments you should be able to see what's happening and be able to make up your own mind if you read thru the forums :)

        cool someone that in fact understands the point I've been making, it is like the deleting of data are 6mths,
        but I looked at the Chinese rules that come into effect in 2016 as they are harder than the EU laws and them some
        this is now confusing me as if I read it right the bit about booking keeping for selling should be a lot longer, them the 6mths but not getting in to that as saving that for something else

          @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL hello i would like to report regarding the chapters i unlocked in Bringing the nations husband are now mostly locked..i am 100 percent sure i unlocked those chapters and spend SS but since i updated the app in new version those chapters are now locked and its disappointing coz i am one who usually reread a story to pass time and now those chapters are locked! I am looking forward for a positive response since i loved and supported your app..thank you and i hope to see a progress :)

            arazen Verify you consume history is the chapters were unlocked with see an ad(or 4 ss) then the chapters are now locked. If not post a screenshot with the SS spent and time. Hope this helps.

              I also have an issue with buying ss.
              Several times I try buying ss with my mastercard but, it doesn't work for me.
              Please help me out!

                i want to know if ill ever get my subscription or if the money i spent will be wasted

                  Talking about updates, can you consider adding a subscription option for a single novel at a time when you update next with a budget friendly cost? Elite membership is a good option but it is a subscription to all novels as a whole. out of the load of novels, there are actually just one or two novels we would like to subscribe to at a time(the ones we really wanted to take out a little of our time for even during our busiest schedules everyday). With that said, it won't hurt too bad even if we had to miss a whole week of reading our most loved novel due to full engagement at work. Also, those chapter that are locked again after several days when we have already opened it with ss, it will be great if it can be taken cared of. We just love rereading the novels we loved, and finding out we had to unlock again and again is a bit frustrating.

                    I have a idea too: consider the option of buying all chapters of a book at once maybe with a little discount? :)

                      I haven't gotten my elite subscription.
                      Id: 61046655
                      Order ID: MNX86YH0L5
                      Order Date: Mar 6, 2019

                        UPSBayu same here
                        My second month of subscription is not activating. What gives man.

                          Webnoveldeveloper i notice for some of the story, I actually had purchase and unlock that chapter before. But when I come back to read again, the chapter is lock. Why? Is this part of new updates?

                            @CKtalon @ReachZhaiTW @Yuren_Liu @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnoveldeveloper. Sorry for tag. Sleep_yhead tried open her novel in library but cant opened just change to top which novel clicked. I make open random novel from homepage mobile app it cant read. I tried Clean cache, re login in her mobile app seems cant fix it. Please what should we do to fix this problem. Thanks

                            She can read comic but cant read novel. Can open title novel but cant open "read now"
                            Are this is important update?

                              UnknownAcry novel entered premium"" please what is premium and how do I know that a novel has entered premium?.

                              • Skaz replied to this.
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