Sure, I'll read yours. Exchange for mine. Please read the synopsis first. I've warned you so. Take your time and Happy reading :D
Review Swap :)
ysa_arcangel Finished reviewing ;D
Luna1777 Hello! I'd be willing to swap. I recently posted a book here and would love to get some opinion. You don't even have to finish all the release chapters. I'd be happy with anything!
Here's the link:
It's under releastic fiction. The main characters are teens. Beware of grammar mistakes because I'm sure there are many of them aha.
CailinMatthews Don't worry, mine too. I'll read your novel :D
And take your time reading my novel. There are 153 chapters so, yeah pretty short or long. It depends on your taste. It's R-18, romance, a little bit of magic, but that's not what the story focuses on. You can read the synopsis by yourself. Hehe.
Luna1777 I posted the review. I feel bad that I didn't give a lot of positive notes. The story seems to have a lot of complications in the plot. That's my inital thought. It made me nervous because it could be really good or it could be really bad.
I'll do my best to finish it and give a more thorough review. An initial review sometimes doesn't give much justice to a story.
CailinMatthews Don't worry your review encourage me a lot! Thank you so much bow
I wish you a good luck with your novel too :D
Hey guys
I would like to join in. I'll check your novels while you review mine. Thanks.
Name: Pinnacles Edge
Here's the link:
PeachyPearl Sure! I'll read it :)
Ishita23 I'm currently reading yours. I can't say when I'll be able to post a review but I will!
CailinMatthews hey could you please tell the name of your novel.... Links don't really work on mine
PeachyPearl Oh, I see! Well, it's called "Trust in Love" :)
CailinMatthews okay I'll check now
PeachyPearl I'm on the first chapter of your story but I have to say... when you describe a scene, you really describe it.
Ishita23 sure... Check above mine too
PeachyPearl Still reading your chapters. Please wait for a while.
Luna1777 of course
Luna1777 I already started reading a bit, and will still continue until at least somewhere around chapter 30 or so, if your story can keep me interested after that I will obviously read more and gradually make adjustments to my review. But please read the current version, especially the second half as it is very important and could prevent eventual problems. In that line, try reading your own story from the start from the position of a reader and not the author, it could be very helpfull. Oh, and maybe delete the "(edited)" tags from your chapternames, makes the whole thing look more beautifull LOL