Anyone else listen to music while reading?
PenguinParagon i listen songs while Reading
I usually listen to rock or metal, sometimes jazz, maybe classical, it just depends on my mood. I mostly listen to hard rock I guess. Bands like Stone Sour, Fozzy, Volbeat, Ghost, Red Sun Rising, etc. When I do, its just low volume in the background. Mostly to block out other household conversations and noises.
I listen to anime music/ost and sometimes I listen to classical, EDM, or pop.
sten to rnb,rap, beats by skrillex, DJ snake etc.I'll just post some of the stuff I listen to
I listen to stuff like Kpop, Chinese music, Japanese anime openings, and some popular English pop songs. also movie soundtracks. and random stuff from like other things, like MLP soundtrack.
Sometimes I do both
But it ruining my imagination to the novel
I love listening to Epic Music.
My favorites are Strength of a Thousand Men, et al from Two Steps from Hell.
There's also Hymn of the Apocalypse from Jo Blankenburg
Some of the WoW background music is great, too.
to name a few~
I usually just let it go on autoplay and treat it as background music,(I can't truly listen to it while reading) then when it becomes too distracting or if it becomes a different genre altogether, I stop.
Anime opening songs are awesome, too!!
Bleach, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Reborn, etc, love 'em.
Neverfire7 great taste. I like the first one a lot.
meeeee!!! I like some edm tho
edm music really makes me high
N0xiety Yeessssss.
Though I get bored after a week so I shuffle what I listen to
1.Ambient chillout
2.Music for writing by Levi Michael plus there's a playlist of rainymood songs on Youtube to complement
4.Indiefolk playlists by alexrainbird on Youtube
5.Epic Celtic music
Ik some of those have lyrics but when u turn the volume down slightly they become indistinct and the melody/beat takes over.
PS. MrSuicidesheep is awesome.
Neverfire7 Awesome music
Well this is embarrassing, the Music for writing series had the audio tracks removed cause of copyright issues.....soooooo no dice.
This is why I download stuff I love no matter how easy it is to access anytime. #moralofthestory
N0xiety Yes I like Dawn of a new time as well it sounds like film scores especially Hans Zimmer.
We listen to music every time we have a chance. Music really is in our soul
StndrdDvtn I can get bored of anything, but the only thing i always return to is music.
Yes I listening while I'm reading
Oh and sometimes when I feeling someone is starring at me while reading
N0xiety This is the MOST epic song to me in the playlist
actaully doing it right now
Al_theGenie Ivan Torrent's every song is awesome. Try this one
share two chinese ancient style songs.
N0xiety Indeed, Icarus is also pretty good :ok_hand:
Neverfire7 The guy literally has no music that i can't listen. He's Thomas Bergersen level good. His latest songs are even better. He always seems to best himself every time he produces new music.
N0xiety Agreed! Absolutely fantastic composer!
Confucious Wow they sound really good
Do any of you know Illenium?
Al_theGenie The EDM artist? I've listened to some of his music before
Al_theGenie Sure, Illenium has some of the best EDM future bass music out there
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just give me humongous goosebumps.
Check them out.
This other 1 is ok.
I listen to the same regular music I normally do. But I only really listen to music when I'm reading in a public place, it keeps me from humming while reading. I like to read aloud generally and if there is no music I will hum the words the music makes it so that I cannot hum, by adding other words in my head.
Occasionally. When I listen to music, I like to focus on it 100%, but while reading that is simply impossible. However, some music can just be used as background noise while reading. For this I use instrumental music (radio ad jingles) that isn't too complex so it won't detract my attention from the reading. Usually, though, I prefer to read with no music in the back.
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There is so much music now, both old and new. I'm sure that every day someone in the world releases new music, so if you want to be popular, you have to work hard. If you use Spotify, I advise you to learn more about Spotify promotion and additional paid service packages that are effective in promoting music and finding your audience.