I liked to make a request for the Shen Wang Novel, but I don't know how. There is about 40 something chapters out, so you can take a look on Dark Translations if you want.

    Go to the main page

    Look at the sidebar on the left

    Click on 'Start a Discussion' and a little box should pop up

    Type in the title of your discussion; in this case, it'll be the name of your novel

    Look at the box next to your title box that says 'Choose Tags'

    Click it and another box should pop up

    Type in 'Novel Pickup Request' or scroll down the box and select it.

    Then, press OK and fill out the rest of the box. To get others to want to read your suggested novel, add a reason as to why Webnovel should pick it up. Give us the raw links as well, for proof that it is from Qidian. If the book has been previously translated, find the Novelupdates link and give us that as well. Of course, you can forgo them, but it'll probably help you and everyone else out.

    Post your thread and wait!

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