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PoppyQueen Happy mood, tho I was wondering how I would save the cover from the forum
I don't know how to do that and if you have discord server please contact me on JoannaAngel05#6579
PoppyQueen Happy mood, tho I was wondering how I would save the cover from the forum
I don't know how to do that and if you have discord server please contact me on JoannaAngel05#6579
JoannaAngel05 I've sent you a chat request. Pls check it.
PoppyQueen thank you!
JoannaAngel05 Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any small modifications.
PoppyQueen I'm sure using it
PoppyQueen lol you totally free advertised my story thanks Poppy. I was actually hoping you could help me with my side project. Sorry if I'm irritating you. Here's some basic info if you'd be able to help me again. I love the cover you did for I'm A Vampire God?! for me. Well here it is, it's a werewolf story this time.
Title: Werewolf In The Modern Age
Author Name/ Pen Name: Ellendria
Link to Story: https://m.webnovel.com/book/13395996105665305
Genres of Story: Magical Realism, Romance, Harem, Fantasy
Any Specific Requests: I just want a black furred werewolf with cobalt blue eyes in the woods, howling at the moon. If you can do that, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Happy Sunday y'all! Make sure to thank ol Grandpa Sun for all the light and warmth!
SageDrunkKitty Happy April Fools day!
Ellendria Have you filled the form? If not, then I can't accept the request. Pls fill the form as per the rules.
I love it thank you !!!
_White Glad to know that!
PoppyQueen You're patently insane; in a very nice and friendly and good way :D
StenDuring Thanks!
PoppyQueen I filled out the form. I couldn't provide many details there. I just want a cool looking cultivation young master looking type with hair back in a long ponytail and down sides, and golden eyes. Thanks a lot!
hi poppyqueen. ive filled out the form but ill still provide the details here.
title:the ugly concubine's mission:steal the emperors heart.
idea:a beautiful chinese princess wearing a green royal robe. she is pinching lightly the face of a handsome young emperor while laughing. however the emperor seems to want to strangle her with his eyes. in the background are peach trees.
PoppyQueen Hi! I'm not sure if I just miss it, may I know the status of the request? Not that I'm rushing or anything. Just want to know if there's something I can help with like clarifications, perhaps? :) Thank you!
midnight_bloom I'm really sorry for the delay. I'll work on it soon and I will get yours done.
Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any small modifications.
PoppyQueen thank you! :)