PoppyQueen Happy mood, tho I was wondering how I would save the cover from the forum 😷🤧
I don't know how to do that and if you have discord server please contact me on JoannaAngel05#6579

    PoppyQueen lol you totally free advertised my story thanks Poppy. I was actually hoping you could help me with my side project. Sorry if I'm irritating you. Here's some basic info if you'd be able to help me again. I love the cover you did for I'm A Vampire God?! for me. Well here it is, it's a werewolf story this time.

    Title: Werewolf In The Modern Age

    Author Name/ Pen Name: Ellendria

    Link to Story: https://m.webnovel.com/book/13395996105665305

    Genres of Story: Magical Realism, Romance, Harem, Fantasy

    Any Specific Requests: I just want a black furred werewolf with cobalt blue eyes in the woods, howling at the moon. If you can do that, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

      PoppyQueen I filled out the form. I couldn't provide many details there. I just want a cool looking cultivation young master looking type with hair back in a long ponytail and down sides, and golden eyes. Thanks a lot! 🙏

        16 days later

        hi poppyqueen. ive filled out the form but ill still provide the details here.
        title:the ugly concubine's mission:steal the emperors heart.
        idea:a beautiful chinese princess wearing a green royal robe. she is pinching lightly the face of a handsome young emperor while laughing. however the emperor seems to want to strangle her with his eyes. in the background are peach trees.

          7 days later

          PoppyQueen Hi! I'm not sure if I just miss it, may I know the status of the request? Not that I'm rushing or anything. Just want to know if there's something I can help with like clarifications, perhaps? :) Thank you!

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