Title: The hired fiancée
Ideas: male; blue eyes, dark hair and the female; brown hair, black eyes and white teeth...(I want her to be laughing) hope I'm not sounding ridiculous 🙎
Author: JoannaAngel05
Anything else you need??

    Hi! I've filled up the form as well :)

    Looking forward to your acceptance and feedback.

    Thanks in advance.

      PoppyQueen Happy mood, tho I was wondering how I would save the cover from the forum 😷🤧
      I don't know how to do that and if you have discord server please contact me on JoannaAngel05#6579

        PoppyQueen lol you totally free advertised my story thanks Poppy. I was actually hoping you could help me with my side project. Sorry if I'm irritating you. Here's some basic info if you'd be able to help me again. I love the cover you did for I'm A Vampire God?! for me. Well here it is, it's a werewolf story this time.

        Title: Werewolf In The Modern Age

        Author Name/ Pen Name: Ellendria

        Link to Story: https://m.webnovel.com/book/13395996105665305

        Genres of Story: Magical Realism, Romance, Harem, Fantasy

        Any Specific Requests: I just want a black furred werewolf with cobalt blue eyes in the woods, howling at the moon. If you can do that, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

          PoppyQueen I filled out the form. I couldn't provide many details there. I just want a cool looking cultivation young master looking type with hair back in a long ponytail and down sides, and golden eyes. Thanks a lot! 🙏

            16 days later

            hi poppyqueen. ive filled out the form but ill still provide the details here.
            title:the ugly concubine's mission:steal the emperors heart.
            idea:a beautiful chinese princess wearing a green royal robe. she is pinching lightly the face of a handsome young emperor while laughing. however the emperor seems to want to strangle her with his eyes. in the background are peach trees.

              7 days later

              PoppyQueen Hi! I'm not sure if I just miss it, may I know the status of the request? Not that I'm rushing or anything. Just want to know if there's something I can help with like clarifications, perhaps? :) Thank you!

                5 days later

                hey poppyqueen it seems i accidentally posted twice.i am sorry

                  6 days later
                  9 days later

                  PoppyQueen Hi, I've filled in the form
                  Name: The Rise of An Assassin
                  Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13635483706612805/The-Rise-Of-An-Assassin
                  Genre: War and Military Fiction.
                  Synopsis: It's a story of a boy who lost both his parents and his family after the 3rd world war. His life changes when he meets a girl. He plans on becoming an Assassin who will destroy every evil in the society.
                  Requests: I would like a blonde haired and blue eyed boy wearing black assassin clothes on the cover, he is holding two swords upside down in his hands an one in his mouth (same like Zoro from One piece), blood on on all the swords and i want the background to be white.

                  I will be grateful if you make a cover for this book.
                  Thank you

                    PoppyQueen Hey i've filled the form and i would like to ask if it's possible for you to draw me a cover :D

                    Novel link : https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/13721278805974005

                    Title : Another World Peace Creator Magician

                    Author : RickuSan

                    It's pretty much about fantasies and magics and stuff, i would really appreciate it if you draw me a cover, you can put a credit in the cover near the title.
                    I explained everything in when i filled the form, just one more thing, make the view is from the ground so it will be cooler that way.

                    I will be so grateful for it let me say.

                    I can send you stuff from my country as a thanks gift if you wanted to, just tell me

                    6 days later

                    PoppyQueen I have filled out the form. I would really be grateful if you will help me out. Thank you!!
                    I'm new to this forum, so I don't know how to use it well. Sorry for the bothering mistakes!!

                    Title : The Double-Faced Husband
                    Link : https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/13805387206429805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4304841468
                    Author name : Song_Shinyi
                    Genre : Romance, fiction, fantasy, mystery.

                    I have described about my novel in the form Already. I just want the male lead to have two sides that's all. one should be scary and dark and the other should be happy and bright. The rest is up to you.

                    I'll be very grateful if you will help me out with this. thank you soo much for your hard work and cooperation.

                      PoppyQueenYea you should. It probably suits you... Your artworks have been amazing all the way and I love them all.

                        4 days later

                        PoppyQueen Hi. I've also filled in the form

                        Title: Discovering Evil
                        Author name: CrescentWolf
                        Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13877972605909605/Discovering-evil
                        Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Fiction

                        I'd like either a cover that reflects a magical war between light and darkness or a simple cover with the five main protagonists who are:
                        1. Bren - short (about 5'5), 16 years old and his main element is wind. He has a yellow sword and purple contact lenses (psychic eyepieces.) He also has brown hair.
                        2. Carlos - Tall (aboout 6foot), 17 years old and his main element is fire. He has two swords, 1 normal one and a rapier, and he has blonde hair
                        3. Nelly - short (5'8), 19 years old and his main element is earth(particularly wood). He has a ring on his hand which is his most prized weapon and you can choose his hair colour
                        4. Misa - tall (6 foot to 6'2), 20 years old and his main element is water. he has a ring that matches Nelly's ring and his hair is black
                        5. Maolin - short 5 foot, 15 and her main element if earth (mainly flowers and plants.) She has a purple whip and you can decide other features about hair

                        Damn. I feel like I'm asking for loads. I hope I'm being too imposing on you. Thank you very much.

                          a month later
                          3 months later

                          As much as I'll love to make covers for u all, I really can't... Stuff has happened here and I don't have any access to my tools or anything. It's an unprofessional thing to say, but I'll be really gr8ful if u all understand. Thanks in advance

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