hmn.. would be nice, unfortunately, after reading, it made me forget the storyline since it will take a long time to release some updates...

it seems almost all of the novels that I added to the library were all no new updates for a while now...

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      We all have difficulty writing various kinds of written work. I know how difficult it can sometimes be to study in college and that is why I offer you an excellent solution to your problems is an excellent service thanks to which you can find the perfect platform for yourself, so I found writemypaper4me reviews that helped me a lot in the future.

      Ahem. COUGH. Hello dear... Daoists. I presume you have either scrolled all the way down or simply like reading over the titles. I am a simple person with simple pleasures. What does this mean? Well, my humble self would like to politely yet charmingly introduce to you... COUGH my book.

      It is definitely not a hooker. I promise upon my modest self. It is as of thou notice a young girl in the midst of a crowd. You don't see her for a while and don't bother looking. However, she suddenly appears before you every once in a while. She's not pretty nor outstanding any shape or form, but she has a certain charm that you can't pinpoint. I hope you give my novel a read. The chapters are fairly short.

      Thank you, fellow... Daoist.

      Title: Not So Confident



      — Quick Trailer

      She is an average girl ridden with social anxiety, low self-esteem, and a whole lot more.

      Can she rise to a different 'her'?

      The path to stardom was never easy.

      Updates: Every 2 Days.

        Fantasy and Terror - Kleptos New Upstart (Still in the works)

        Tell me what you guys think. This is my first time writing anything and I'll keep on working on it but, I'm having so much fun writing it. Its only 6 chapters but it over 4,900 words so far and its constant releases. I hope you all enjoy it.

          Title : Shut Out of Paradise
          Status: Ongoing

          "Omnia vincit Amor; et nos cedamus Amori." ,Virgil quoted.

          Translated from Latin meaning "Love conquers all; let us yield to love."

          But what if the love that you are fighting for, would be better off losing to.

          Would you still fight for love even if God forbids?

          Are you willing to be shut out of paradise?

          The story of two lovers who are willing to sacrifice fortune, fame and family for their forbidden love.

          Welcome to the world of unvieling lies, secrets, sacrifice, and maybe death.

          Malia Carter and
          Dylan Haydes, two of the country's famous top models. Would they be able to fight for their secret relationship especially if the one they are into is a sin ?

          Copyright © 2016 by Kimberly Atienza

            I'm going to list out lots of boys love titles that I think have quality. Muwahahaha. Don't like gay? Look away!

            Demon King is so Adorable by Froschmo

            Sweet Dreams by Cassandra Kim

            Oh. My. Fate?! by yansusustories

            The God of Love is a Deadbeat by Lenapresents

            Love on Ice by Momocatt

            And shameless plugging my own.


            The Fourth Zaldizko



              Title : The Arks

              Synopsis: After the Great Noble War across the galaxies had devastated the planets within, many were left scattered amongst the other stars. As the stars started to converge and planets collapsed, the Solar System was born. The only planet that was habitable for most species, Earth.

              In this universe, there are those that called themselves 'Mages', performing 'Magecraft'. Sort of like supernatural abilities. They harness the power of Elements. From Water to Fire Elements, Mages were being bred in all corners of the Universe.

                marjzach2012 I did a review on yours, review swap with me?


                Title : The Arks

                Synopsis: After the Great Noble War across the galaxies had devastated the planets within, many were left scattered amongst the other stars. As the stars started to converge and planets collapsed, the Solar System was born. The only planet that was habitable for most species, Earth.

                In this universe, there are those that called themselves 'Mages', performing 'Magecraft'. Sort of like supernatural abilities. They harness the power of Elements. From Water to Fire Elements, Mages were being bred in all corners of the Universe.

                  kohicell0 review swap?


                  Title: The Arks

                  Synopsis: In this universe, there are those that called themselves 'Mages', performing 'Magecraft'. Sort of like supernatural abilities. They harness the power of Elements. From Water to Fire Elements, Mages were being bred in all corners of the Universe.

                  The Great Noble War made its name throughout the Universe by taking down a multitude of stars. From the remnants of galaxies that were affected, the Solar System was created. In that System, a particular planet stood out from the rest as a haven to all; Earth.

                    MagicalLitrpg review swap?


                    Title: The Arks

                    Synopsis: In this universe, there are those that called themselves 'Mages', performing 'Magecraft'. Sort of like supernatural abilities. They harness the power of Elements. From Water to Fire Elements, Mages were being bred in all corners of the Universe.

                    The Great Noble War made its name throughout the Universe by taking down a multitude of stars. From the remnants of galaxies that were affected, the Solar System was created. In that System, a particular planet stood out from the rest as a haven to all; Earth.

                      Okay, I'm gonna promote mine shamelessly, thank you in advance if you decided to read this!

                      Title: Love me Harder Adam



                      It happened in a parallel universe, somewhere in the distant future where love is a taboo in the world's greatest empire, it is said that the one who falls in love will suffer great losses, it can even cost a person's life, why? because love is treated as an illness, as a thing that can make a person lose their rationale.

                      Love is like a drug, it makes you happy temporarily, it gets you addicted and high. Slowly, you can feel your life relapse after this optimistic dream slowly changes into an individual's greatest nightmare. Betrayal, infidelity, change of heart and break-ups, these are things that can make an intellectual person dumb and fool, completely lovestruck.

                      Love is nothing but an illness, a thing that is not needed to exist.

                      However, in the small Kingdom of Thusha, love is treated as their salvation, their water to quench in amidst desert. Love for them is the most wonderful thing that could've existed, love is considered as a medicine and not a drug, it rehabilitates the human's heart and serves as a band-aid to an enormous hole in one's heart, it serves as a cure to a chronic disease, to an illness that does not have any medicine.

                        Okay, I'm gonna promote mine shamelessly, thank you in advance if you decided to read this!

                        Title: Love me Harder Adam



                        It happened in a parallel universe, somewhere in the distant future where love is a taboo in the world's greatest empire, it is said that the one who falls in love will suffer great losses, it can even cost a person's life, why? because love is treated as an illness, as a thing that can make a person lose their rationale.

                        Love is like a drug, it makes you happy temporarily, it gets you addicted and high. Slowly, you can feel your life relapse after this optimistic dream slowly changes into an individual's greatest nightmare. Betrayal, infidelity, change of heart and break-ups, these are things that can make an intellectual person dumb and fool, completely lovestruck.

                        Love is nothing but an illness, a thing that is not needed to exist.

                        However, in the small Kingdom of Thusha, love is treated as their salvation, their water to quench in amidst desert. Love for them is the most wonderful thing that could've existed, love is considered as a medicine and not a drug, it rehabilitates the human's heart and serves as a band-aid to an enormous hole in one's heart, it serves as a cure to a chronic disease, to an illness that does not have any medicine.

                          marjzach2012 review swap?

                          Title: Love me Harder Adam



                          It happened in a parallel universe, somewhere in the distant future where love is a taboo in the world's greatest empire, it is said that the one who falls in love will suffer great losses, it can even cost a person's life, why? because love is treated as an illness, as a thing that can make a person lose their rationale.

                          Love is like a drug, it makes you happy temporarily, it gets you addicted and high. Slowly, you can feel your life relapse after this optimistic dream slowly changes into an individual's greatest nightmare. Betrayal, infidelity, change of heart and break-ups, these are things that can make an intellectual person dumb and fool, completely lovestruck.

                          Love is nothing but an illness, a thing that is not needed to exist.

                          However, in the small Kingdom of Thusha, love is treated as their salvation, their water to quench in amidst desert. Love for them is the most wonderful thing that could've existed, love is considered as a medicine and not a drug, it rehabilitates the human's heart and serves as a band-aid to an enormous hole in one's heart, it serves as a cure to a chronic disease, to an illness that does not have any medicine.

                            JacksonWalker can you speak chinese 这种书很多的,不过因为小众,这几年估计不会翻译过去,你要是会中文,我可以给你推荐一大堆。

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