Ayaka_Scarlett In queue
Do not review swap outside of monthly thread.
I would love to do a swap. Here's mine:
StenDuring ok, yours too
I have 9 reviews so I think I need just one more for a rating? Thanks to those who swapped with me already. Anyone else game? Story has some rude jokes and slapstick but no actual sex or violence.
GrumpyNeighbor Sure. Will do it asap. Max by tomorrow. Find the link in my post.
Hello Everyone
Please drop a review too. Just search MiuNovels.
For those who will leave a review, I'll review your books too. But only honest review according to the metrics please and I'll do the same. v
Thank you
Ayaka_Scarlett Review done.
StenDuring I'll do yours soon
Let's do it !!!! mine is new...
PeachyPearl done... here's mine....
Can I join too?Here's mine.
I might review you guys a bit late.
Astrarche checked the first chapter so far... A fairly mysterious start... But one thing, please check the grammar again.
Gonna continue reading it... Except my review by later tonight
Astrarche Reviewed yours and looking forward to hear from you about my novel too.
- Edited
lovehalsey Sure. Let's swap. I'll do it asap. Here's link to mine.
Pinnacles' Edge
lovehalsey please review mine if you can. I would review yours now as i have free time. Thank you.
Ayaka_Scarlett Review done.
PeachyPearl Review done :)