Wonderful that will give me the opportunity to work on my writing skills

    Chryiss You know, when you do something as efficient and wanted as this, it becomes your solemn duty XD. :smile_cat:

      Veronica8 Lol I don’t mind. XD It was my first time being “active” in a contest, and it was quite fun which was why I offered to do it again~

      Okay. I caved. Try these for size. I can't be bothered doing covers.

      For the one chapter thingy.

      The Cursed Love Self explanatory.
      Cipher This story contains mature themes. You have been warned. :imp:

        Hi, I tried to enter my novel for the contest, but I'm not getting the dropdown option on inkstone that lets me enter it for the contest. Is there any way for the staff to manually enter it? Sorry for the bother.

          Coinbase it happened to me last time. it will not appear on the desktop version. you have to join using your phone then edit it on your desktop if you wish

            someone can tell me specific of the meanong of challenge 63? "Rules of the challenge: no word limit, but all the words must be contained within one chapter (not including Volume 0 or prologues). The topic may be of your own choosing, but please don't have personal attacks against others."

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Is it possible to put in multiple entries? Not all part of one story, diary entry, etc., but separate, like a blog in one and a poem in another.

                Itsukikun it's a one shot (one chapter) challenge any topic will do, as long as it's not an attack about anything specific, it can be a story, a blog, an essay or poetry.

                  I dont really see the writing prompt when I log into inkstone...TT maybe I'm doing something wrong....Help...It's not there when I click "create novel".

                    ShuuAtha it's impossible on desktop, but if you go to your phone app, click on inkstone then you will see a boommic like icon next to a + sign on the upper right. click it and you will see the option to join writing prompts

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