Alaheeza done and done. Check it out. Here's my own
Title: My brother's friend

Synopsis: Tang An is a high school student about to graduate. But everything changes when her brother's friend moves in. Battling with trauma from home, she tries to overcome her family challenges but when an unknown secret is exposed, can Tang An survive its consequences or will she die at fates hands?

Note: Anyone who reviews my story will get one for theirs as well, so send a reply to me if you have and leave your link :). have fun and I hope you enjoy it.

    Nzoputa Thank you for the review!
    Added your book to ma collection! Will soon review😊

      Nzoputa loved your book so far! Keep it up! Review has been given😊😊😊 waiting for more chapters!

      ImaginxryYxnk Hello. Here are a few suggestions😊
      1. Chapter length shud b around 700-1400 words.
      2. Divide the chapter into paragraphs and give proper spacing to quoted scentences.

      1. There r slight mistakes with the grammr and tenses.

      2. Try writing a lill shorter chapters first.😊

      Alaheeza I’m up for it, though it may take a while to read all 124 chapters. If you find the time to review my story, I would really appreciate it. It was originally an entry for writing contest 62, so it isn’t that long at the moment.


        Alaheeza Hi. Have added your novel to the queue. Please give me about 3 days to read it and will review as soon as I can.

        Would appreciate it if you could review mine as well: New Life: A Second Chance

        You don’t have to read all the chapters (there’s over 100). Just enough so that you can get a feel of it. If you actually like it and keep reading, it’s an added bonus! (✿ β™₯β€Ώβ™₯)

          Alaheeza By the way, just done the review.

          Loved the book and added to library.

          The only thing I really can complain about is that your chapters are so short. It's more of a personal issue than anything else, so don't mind me much on that.

          As for the link, it's already in the first post but will reproduce it here: New Life: A Second Chance <-- clickable link

          Thanks again!

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