I'm looking for my queen, she know the wayyy.
Uganda brothers, love to the queen!!!
Death to the blues ones!!! Because the do not know the way.
If you are a Uganda brother you are welcome, i'm looking forma the queen.
The queen smells good.
Do you know the way?
Oh my queen, show me the wayyy
I’ll show thou who seek answers
Yes my queen, show us the way my queen, the wayyy
First , we shall recruit more people , second , we shall command them to kill our enemies , the blue ones , and thirdly we shall take over the world
"Knuckles" for the queen
The queen has show me the way
We are Uganda warrios and de have to honour our queen correctly
Now i need more Uganda warrior, i need a commander, i'm not a commander, i'm only a Uganda warrior, i must found more warrior to honour MY queen
DaotistFatLion This is a bad and dead meme that is annoying.
DaotistFatLion Do not spit, we must pray for this one
I know the way. Do u know the way??
Jzrrztt_ you are the new commander
dont spit, we must pray for this one
Invasion. hmph
Nowadays the spam gets even worse. Before people at least posted something interesting
- Edited
I can always mislead the way for you...
(after all blue is one of my fav Colors)